internal examinations


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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this may sound like a bit of a silly question but ive never had an internal so was just wondering how they are given..

are they discreet and sort of touch but dont look or is it a legs wide open with a dr and his torch situation??

obviously i know when im in labour its a legs wide open for all to see but beforehand when you arent in as much pain do they try and keep a bit of your dignity in tact?!
ok leave your dignity at the door x lol x

its very much like a smear test so laying down with legs apart, if they have to insert fingers to see how far dilated you are it can be a bit uncomfortable, its hard but the more you relax the easier it is x

just remember its a day at the office for them and theyve seen it all before x
knees wide open, feet together. my midwife is usually staring in to space while concentrating on what she is feeling. it can sometimes be very painful and you have to grip something lol but other times it can be ok. i feel more comfortable when there is only 1 person in the room and the same person each time.
I say this in a lot of my posts but its true... its your body and just because these people are doctors etc it doesnt mean they can suddenly do what they want to you. So if you dont want an internal you dont have to have one, if you want curtains closed or everyone out again just tell them, if it hurts too much and you want them to stop just say.

I think we can all fall pray to the white coat effect where we retreat like little children under their (un-given) authority
^^ What they have all said. Nothing really in pregnancy is dignified. Poked and prodded etc. I had a pregnant midwife do my internal and when she scratched me(yes scratched) and my knee jerked she was like woah im pregnant be careful of my bump. I thought about saying well be careful with your clumsy hands then lol x
Yeah sorry hun there is nothing dignified About it, bar the blanket that you have across your lap. Just like a smear x
thanks for the responses, ive not ad to have a smear yet either so im going in a bit blind, expected to have had an internal by now but have managed to get away without one x
Good practice for when LO decides to arrive then your dignity definately does go out the window lol x
not sure if anyone has said but.... they put a sheet over your middle covering to your knees so you dont feel so exposed and like the others have said... you put the soles of your feet together and up towards your bum and drop your knees. They will obviously look to see where to start but apart from that they look over the top of the sheet while concentrating....or they will look inside to see cervix if thats what theyre needing to look at. They see lots of noonies so try not to worry or get too shy, theyre used to this....even though Im 38 have had loads of internals and smears in my time and still get nervous and shy. Just deep breath and remember if anything hurts dont grit your teeth just tell them straight ok honey. Be direct and to the point as others have said its your body xxx
Aw thanks gemini I didn't realise they put a sheet over, doesn't sound too bad at all then. That's put my mind at ease, thanks :) xx
Hi pringle.....I just wanted to say that altho I have had smears I hadn't had an internal done until this is pretty much as what everyone has described but they cover u with a sheet or something similar......i had to put my hands under my bum to help tilt my pelvis so MW had a better angle, and this did make it more comfortable......try not to tense up because that makes it more uncomfortable. It's hard but u just have to keep breathing and relax, it doesn't last long and like all have said they have done it a million times before xxx
When checking to see if you're dilated. I don't remember anyone having to 'look' at anything. I won't be exposed unless entirely necessary, and certainly won't consent to hourly internal exams unless I want to.

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