Interesting article on breastfeeding

Very interesting article... Just reinforces the important role it plays :)
Thanks for the breastfeeding link, breastfeeding is natural.
Interesting article, thanks for sharing, after a very long sore night of constant feeding its given me a boost that I'm doing the right thing & makes me feel better. I've found breast feeding one of the hardest things I've ever done, it is worse than labour, it hurts so bad sometimes and my baby is still struggling to latch. He also has days where he can feed every 45 mins all day, so by the end of it your sore and knackered and dreading him waking cos you need time to recover and your so sore you scream when he latches. I've had daily help from mw and know I'm doing it right its just the first week is hard, once my milk came in it got easier but I'm still struggling. It would have been so easy to give up at times or even relent and throw in the odd bottle but I've grinned and bared it and stuck it out cos I know like that article says its the best thing for him.
I can tell you Bunnykins from some very honest conversations I have had with my SIL that it does get easier after the first few weeks - you are doing the best thing - if you can get along to some local support groups that can help - I am taking SIL to La Leach ( on Friday as she is reaching the 4 month growth spurt and is hoping for some support and tips. PS I loved your birth story :)
Bunnykins you are doing well. BFing is hard work and takes alot of committment, but the results are so rewarding. It takes a while to get established, but once you do you'll do it in your sleep... honestly lol The first 3 months are the hardest, baby will seem to be attached all the time, I found getting out with the pram best and just keep walking so you get a break and some fresh air. If you are feeding at home watch a film or read a book, but just make the most of the closeness beacuse honestly it goes sooooo quickly in hindsight!

I wanted to quit so much the first week or so, but I stuck it out because I didn't want to let my baby down, BFing felt right for me I just didn't realise how hard it would be (plus baby was tongue tied), and now 9.5 months later I'm still BFing him and only got 2.5 months max til I start weaning him onto cows milk!!
Interesting article. Sounds like more positives to breast feed. It is so hard though at times, I've been like a zombie and got sore nipples but I know it's worth it and will get easier. I've had a few hour on hour off nights which were super hard. I love the closeness though and that he relies on me, it's not crossed my mind to give up, just another thing I need to get through like morning sickness and labour! They seem really supportive here, Ive had a breast feeding support worker visit twice and they have called every few days as well to see how it's going and are on hand if I ever want to call them, I'm really quite impressed!
I'm finding it hard this week, I have milk but he gets frustrated sometimes while he's latched on and I don't know why. Went to breaststart yesterday and got some help, he fed so well, then when I'm at home we can't seem to do it as well :-( he will have a big tantrum on boob. I gave in two nights ago and gave a bottle of formula but felt so guilty, feel like crying as I'm writing this, I just want it to get easier (I'm not sore so I suppose that's a bonus)

I'm finding it hard this week, I have milk but he gets frustrated sometimes while he's latched on and I don't know why. Went to breaststart yesterday and got some help, he fed so well, then when I'm at home we can't seem to do it as well :-( he will have a big tantrum on boob. I gave in two nights ago and gave a bottle of formula but felt so guilty, feel like crying as I'm writing this, I just want it to get easier (I'm not sore so I suppose that's a bonus)

Don't feel guilty for whatever you decide to do. A happy mummy = happy baby and that is so important. And when you get anxious LO will pick up on that too. xxx
I was worrying about Colby picking up on me stressing. He had a good sleep this morning and when he woke for 'lunch' I did skin to skin, he latched well and had good feed, he's now asleep on me since feed so feeling bit better

I had forgotten about that feeling of dreading them waking up cos you'd have to feed again! Just to reassure anyone planning to or currently in the early stages of bf, it gets sooo much easier. It was such hard work at first and so tiring but now it's amazing and I'm dreading having to stop.

Sassysugar, please don't beat yourself up over a bit formula! You're doing marvellous :D
Sarah, I love that attitude of it just being something else like labour. I kind of feel the same, it never occurred to me to quit...
We are on day 15 and she's feeding now.

Not painful apart from evenings when she decides to feed every hour. She goes 3-4 hours overnight though.

My little one has regained all the weight she lost after birth, plus another 2oz, it's such a satisfying feeling that it's all down to what her mummy is doing. After the closeness of pregnancy I see BF as not only a healthy option, but a way of keeping something of her just to myself, something only I can do

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