

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I'm really struggling now with getting off to sleep on a night. I can be tired when i go to bed but then, that's when my brain seems to spring in to action and keep me awake :wall:
Then after ages when I finally do nod off I am awake because the baby is kicking or i need a wee :wall:

I've been having warm milk before bed and trying to wind down but now frustration is beginning to set in :x
:hug: its not nice not being able to sleep. i also find as days wears on less tired. seem more tired when i get up. i am having off and on nights when i get a good nights sleep and some when up most of night. have u tried a bath or reading a book to see if that helps.

marie x
I've been reading a book which helps a little but i'm beginning to climb the walls with it now :(
Sometimes i'm not even that tired the next day when I haven't slept much. And if i am tired i daren't sleep much during the day incase that stops me sleeping too. I think it would help if I could switch off from things on a night.

i am exactly the same !

i will give you my msm if you want if we are up at the same time, it gets lonely doesn't it.

sometimes, i get so exhausted i do sleep, most of the time I am up until 3am/4am/5am reading, watching E4, i get really cold in the night without the heating on as well
:hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you guys can get some decent sleep soon. At least you'll be in practise for when the babies arrive
You are not alone :) I am waking every hour to hour and a half - takes a while to get back off each time and feel shattered and unrested in the morning - have been told to rest (as BP creeping up :() but I am BORED - shattered in the evening so go to bed early which means all I do all day is sort out 3 boisterous children - no me time as by the time they go to bed I am ready too - but as has been said at least being up all night with a baby wont be such a shock to the system we'll just be knackered before we start :lol:
some nights im sleeping quite well, but others im in the '4am club' lol

when i dont sleep i feel AWFUL and ill ...ive always been that way and that scares me because it makes me worry what i will be like when the baby comes....i dont want to spend the first 6 months feeling so crap im counting down the hours til bedtime each day.. :?
gymbabeliz said:
some nights im sleeping quite well, but others im in the '4am club' lol

when i dont sleep i feel AWFUL and ill ...ive always been that way and that scares me because it makes me worry what i will be like when the baby comes....i dont want to spend the first 6 months feeling so crap im counting down the hours til bedtime each day.. :?

That's exactly how I feel when i don't sleep I feel really ill and i'm worried that by feeling like that and having a baby to care for too will be too much.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm the same. I can't seem to switch my mind off, i seem to think too much and i just can't relax. I've tried everything!!!
The other night i read a whole book. And STILL wasn't able to sleep.
I'm not sure what's worse, having a sleep where you wake up every half hour or none at all!

I too am afraid then of napping in the day in case it makes it all worse!!!

And the lack of sleep stresses me out!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
BabyBee said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm the same. I can't seem to switch my mind off, i seem to think too much and i just can't relax. I've tried everything!!!
The other night i read a whole book. And STILL wasn't able to sleep.
I'm not sure what's worse, having a sleep where you wake up every half hour or none at all!

I too am afraid then of napping in the day in case it makes it all worse!!!

And the lack of sleep stresses me out!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


It's like a vicious circle isn't it?

I hate it when OH and DS are fast asleep and the house is really quiet. You feel like you are the only person awake and everyone else is enjoying a good night's kip.
Emma58 said:
gymbabeliz said:
some nights im sleeping quite well, but others im in the '4am club' lol

when i dont sleep i feel AWFUL and ill ...ive always been that way and that scares me because it makes me worry what i will be like when the baby comes....i dont want to spend the first 6 months feeling so crap im counting down the hours til bedtime each day.. :?

That's exactly how I feel when i don't sleep I feel really ill and i'm worried that by feeling like that and having a baby to care for too will be too much.

glad im not the only one- a lot of people seem to just get through anyway when theyre tired but it REALLY affects me and previously when ive suffered periods insomnia ive actually gone home sick from work with it cos i go so shakey and ill

What Im hoping is that even if my sleep is interrupted, i'll be able to nap in the day when the baby's asleep, if i can do that i think i'll be ok
I find it really hard when OH is asleep snoring away next to me, it takes him like 1 min to get to sleep and then he is out for the night. Always makes me feel worse somehow!
If i'm lucky i get the cat for company, but often she sleeps too...
Yep my OH is the same out like a light in two minutes flat :shakehead: that really winds me up.
I completely sympathise. I am still suffering with the old insomnia - but not every night, and sometimes not ALL night.

I have given in on day time naps - as sometimes I feel like I have not slept all night, keep myself up all day, and the same happens again! So I figure I may as well get some sleep in the day whilst I can. I keep imagining going into labour after no sleep! Hence I will probably have my usual day time nap today - normally when there's a load of crap on tele hehe
i always fall asleep when something good actually comes on TV, really annoying!!!!! I always fall asleep when the action kicks off in films aswell :x think its cos i relax then and my brain stops buzzing away!
The cinema is my favourite place to sleep i usually see about 20 mins of a film and i'm fast asleep.

Think i might go to Odeon later and get some :sleep: :sleep:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
My mum does that. Lol. She never manages to stay awake in the cinema! Tis amusing as she snores. Lol.

If it's the way to get some :sleep: then go for it! hehe

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