

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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is anyone else suffering extreme tirdness.

I have to get up to pee during the night, and have always been late to go to bed - even when i try to go early. But i dont seem to have much energy during the day.

I got out of bed about 11.30 this morning - although was awake on and off from half 7 with DH getting organised to go out.

Now sitting on the sofo barely 2hours later and just suddenly seem to have the urge to sleep!! - ive not done anything all morning!!!

Felt really tired, and couldnt stop yawning when we were out last night, ended up home and in bed for 11 - but then suddenly i was wide awake, and ended up chatting online till 2.30am.

if i was tired all the time it would prob make more sense - but like last night i was exhausted and wanted my bed - but when i got there i was wide awake.,

I must say, i'm tired the majority of the time - i struggle to do normal every day things! xx
Snap! I'm the same feel like all I do is eat and sleep. Feel so bad for oh and my mum. Get tired even washing up but my mum says she was the same with me and my sis towards the end xxx
im not even 28 weeks yet though. i still have another 3 months to go. xxx
I think It's normal for tri 3. I've kinda had it throughout my pregnancy and docs reckon It's due to lack of iron. Do you think that could be the case with you? Xxx
I asked for my iron levels to be tested at my last appointment, cos a lot of folk kept commenting on how pale i was ( although im normally pretty white) - one of my friends who's a nurse specifically told me i needed to get checked cos i looked worse than normal.

But mw (not my usual one) - said my iron levels were pretty good when they were done before, and she'd be surprised if they had dropped that much, plus they didnt really want to be putting me on iron tablets at 24 weeks - plus bloods are due to be done at my next appointment anyway.

I'm tired most of the time, so mom thought my iron would be low or have GD, but neither both were normal, so I think it must just be a final tri symptom x
I had ten and a half hours sleep last night, I've done nothing today other than go round my moms and have dinner and I am yawning my head off dunno whats wrong with me lol x
Well at least im not the only one. lol - thats good to know. xxx

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