insomnia - on the verge of tears today


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Any advice please because not being able to sleep is driving me crazy and making me worry that I'm doing harm to the baby.
Feel like i'm going out of my mind!
You get in a vicious circle as the more you worry about it the worse it gets. I have some relaxation CD's that i have used in the past for anxiety. They help me. I also find reading a little before turning the lights out distracts my mind from the negative thoughts of sleep.

I know it is easy to say but try not to think about it too much, do something to distract you before going to bed. Hope you get some sleep soon.

Could it be something you eat or drink?

I have noticed that if I drink tea at night, I can not get to sleep at all, and I mean not for hours. Although I have cut out caffein, I had not considered tea. Now I drink decaf tea, I sleep much quicker. Obviously pregnancy can make us more susceptible to some stuff.

Others I have heard:
Spicy Food
Any acohol

I hope you will sleep!!

Must be bloody awful. :hug:
Some women do get insomnia in pregnancy, I often have it even when not pregnant anyway so I know just how you feel. It makes you feel both useless in the day, and desperate and insane :x

Remember that we are especially allowed to have naps in the afternoon/evening if we want :D

Try and go out and do stuff, walking etc in the day. Make sure you only use your bedroom or bed for sleep, reading before sleep, and sex if you must :) What I mean is don't go on the computer, watch telly or anything like that in there much. The room needs to be associated with sleep in your mind.

You could try Ovaltine, that's really soporific.

But a doctor could prescribe you something at a push, I take pills long term to help me sleep and they're letting me carry on with them :)
u might be too warm, i think pregancy elevates ur temp slightly? try sleeping with the windows open, and stick ur feet out of the covers. i read somewhere that its impossible to sleep if ur feet are too hot! dont kno if its true but it seems to be for me!

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