insensitive friend!

Little Miss Joslyn

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Hi ,
I have this friend who has accidentially fallen pregnant three times and had many abortions as she didnt want children. She was told she couldnt have kids as her other haf has only got one ball from a result of cancer. i thought they would have kept it after she fell the second time! To top it all, she came in my work today to say she thinks she may be pregnant again as she missed her injection. My jaw dropped. :o She said she cant go through the pain of abortion again so would have the baby.
Forgive me if im wrong but I fell pregnant jan 05 and sadly had a miscarriage at 7 weeks and have been ttc for nearly a year since the miscarriage. Do you think she is being insensitive? She wants to come round to see me tonight for some support but I dont think I can give her any! I have just finished my period and think i had another miscarriage last month as my test was positive but then i had a heavy bleed but not bad pain like before. was this an early miscarriage?
Would you be there for her or tell her you cant handle it?
Nic x :?
Its a tricky one, why do people like that who are not fussed about having children always find it so easy to concieve, its like teenagers who have sex once and suddenly wham preggers!

personally i would make an excuse not to see her as even though she is a friend i think if she came to see me and started bragging about being PG we would fall out, it does seem incredibly insensitive of her to suggest it especially with your history.

Good luck and baby dust to you, we're all here for you remember that. Maybe just give it a few days to sink in and then you can talk to her more rationally.
I agree that its a tricky one and I feel for you. I would tell her that she maybe would be better to find someone else to lean on through this as it cuts a bit close to the bone for you. If you are honest with her it might make her realise how precious this baby is.

Im really sorry you had another miscarraige, i really am.
I agree with Laura, this kind of situation is not helping you at the moment and you have to be the priority here.

When I was TTC etc everyone around me started to get pregnant too and some of those people were in dodgy situations in which to bring children into the world in, and that makes it worse so I understand totally how you feel i really do.

So sorry about your MC :(

She is coming round in a minute. has just knocked on door but will try not to get too upset. Too late to cancel now :shock:
Nic x
Hope is goes ok. You can always vent off here later if you are p'eed off :)
Thanks Minikins.
Dominic is so sweet. Glad you got your baby after ttc for four years. Threres hope for us ttc yet. :)
My friend was getting prepared for being pregnant and rang me today to say she got a BFN test with a clearblue! She seemed a little down so I think it has made her realise how precious a baby is. I told her to wait another week and do another test as the hormone may not show this early. Think deep down she wanted this baby but is worried, as she is very petite like me with size 2 feet and they say small feet , small pelvis!
has anyone else heard that or is it an old wives tale! :oops:
Nic x
Thanks Minikins.
Dominic is so sweet. Glad you got your baby after ttc for four years. Threres hope for us ttc yet. :)
My friend was getting prepared for being pregnant and rang me today to say she got a BFN test with a clearblue! She seemed a little down so I think it has made her realise how precious a baby is. I told her to wait another week and do another test as the hormone may not show this early. Think deep down she wanted this baby but is worried, as she is very petite like me with size 2 feet and they say small feet , small pelvis!
has anyone else heard that or is it an old wives tale! :oops:
Nic x
Not heard of that old wives tale but my friend has size two feet and is so tiny in height and build and she popped her boy out with no probs :)

On the mens side I have heard about big feet and big thingies ;) :oops:
Thats nice to know. I need to get pregnant before I worry about giving birth! Have heard that about men and their feet too! ha ha

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