Advice for my friend


Active Member
May 25, 2008
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Hi all, Im not sure if this is in the right place, i might post it in the 1st Trimester aswell.

My friend had her last period on 25th April, she was due on last Monday 26th May and hasnt come on, she did a clear blue digital on the Monday and yesterday 31st May and both times it said not pregnant but no sign of period, she seems to be getting pregnancy symptoms. She has gone out and bout a couple of Sainsburys cheapy tests and is going to do one tomorrow morning, she is still holding out hope until her period turns up.. if it does. Not sure if this is relevant but she had a miscarriage in February and they have been trying to conceive for the last couple of months.

Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone have any advice, I would like to hear any good or bad experiences, rather people be honest.

Thank you everyone
:wave: Hi
Sorry about your friends loss

I had an early miscarriage back in Oct, before I had the mc my cycles was 28-32 days but after the m/c they was all over the place from 26 days to my last cycle which was 167days, my doctor did say that it could be down to my body sorting itself out after m/c so it could be just her body getting sorted after m/c.

Also it could be that she ov later due to stress etc like periods stress can delay ov so that is always a possibilty. :think:

If I was your friend I would test with fmu in the morning if its a bfn then I would wait a couple of days and retest again with fmu.

I hope that made sense :?

Please tell her that it is not over until the witch turns up, sending her lots of babydust :hug: :hug:
sorry for your friends loss hun
I had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago at 5 weeks. i never got a positive pregnancy test and just spotted/bled for 9 days before i passed the baby. Im waiting on AF now to come back.
After my 1st miscarriage it too about 5 weeks for my AF to return, that was at 9 weeks gestation. Like A&J said its probably her body just getting back to normal. Id tell her to leave it a few days tbh before testing again, like till wednesday morning or something. I know how heartbreaking it is waiting fro AF to come nad hoping it wont :hug: :hug: :hug:

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