injection after giving birth ??? anyone heard of this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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im size 16 and told by consultant im a fattie basically :D the word she used was obese! :cry: she said i will have to have an injection for the first 5 days after delivery to stop me getting blood clots. anyone heard of this before? ive had two babies and this is the first ive :shock: heard of it
It will be a blood thinner, most likely Heparin, brand name Clexane.

Many people have these injections post operatively to prevent blood clots and DVT, especially after operations that the patient will be in bed for a period of time after the operation, for exampe women will have these injections after a C-section because they are practically bed bound after delivery, putting them at increased risk.
The injection can also be given to people deemed high risk for bloot clots and DVTs, being very overweight can put people at risk. As far as I'm aware though its not general practice to administer Heparin after a normal delivery, but some Consultants will advocate its use for that purpose.
thanks for that, very informative I should have asked the consultant really but didnt want to take her time up so didnt ask.
Thanks you have explained it well
ANNA27 said:
thanks for that, very informative I should have asked the consultant really but didnt want to take her time up so didnt ask.
Thanks you have explained it well
No problem! - I know what you mean about asking questions though, half the time I don't like to ask questions as I feel like they think i'm questioning their judgement....But really they should explain things a lot better I think!

PS The injections are stingy little buggers!
does the midwife give it you at home then? i wont have to stay in hospital for 5 days for the injections will i? :cry:
ANNA27 said:
thanks for that, very informative I should have asked the consultant really but didnt want to take her time up so didnt ask.

Please, never be afraid to ask a question to a nurse/doctor or consultant :) Really, they are there to help and to answer questions if you don't understand fully. Even if you feel they are in a rush, don't worry, ask your question. It is much better to be informed on the spot than to come away and worry about something that you didn't understand.

It never hurts to be more pro-active in your medical care rather than being passive. I never leave a consult until I am happy all my questions are answered and I have understood whatever it is they are telling me. Its my body and I want to make sure I know what's going on :lol:
ANNA27 said:
does the midwife give it you at home then? i wont have to stay in hospital for 5 days for the injections will i? :cry:

Yes, it can be arranged for someone to come and do your injections for you at home. In my case I got shown how to do them, but that was because I had them over a prolonged period...but if you want to do them, a nurse can show you how in a few minutes. They are easy to administer if you feel its something you can/ want to do.
ohhh ive not head of this, and im larger then a size 16 :think:
I just like to say size 16 is not obese
im sure my mam is a size 16 and i do not think of her as fat at all.
you be proud of your curves Hon

Lol Sarah :wave:
First of ll :moon: , to that a bitch calling you obese! consultants dont have a clue!

Im a size 22, and I had to go and see a consultant cos the midwife was concerned about the fact i was a large mother and when I goit there he waffled on about injections also.

But when push came to shove I didnt have them, my labour was active and fast and she was out dead quick!

Im sure you wont ned them, size 16 isnot obese.
mrs_tommo22 said:
size 16 isnot obese.

Alas in some people it is (not saying that Anna27 is just wanting to discuss the annoying way they work this out these days :wall: ). If you go by people's BMI, which doctors and nurses do these days, your clothing size has no reflection on it. Even when I am a size 14 I just and I mean just, scrape into the normal weight section of the BMI. If I go up to a size 16, I am overweight. And I am 5ft 8 plus. You'd think I'd get away with it but no :( Atm I fall into the obese catagory due to weight gain in pregnancy. Some of it is bump, some of it is actual weight on me, but either way, I'm now technically obese :roll: Yet most people would say to me I appear to look a decent size and they would not consider me obese ever :wall:

If I lose more weight and drop another dress size to below a 14 I look skeletal and my whole frame seems to be bones poking out. I have broader shoulders than my husband as it is :shock: And carry a lot of muscle due to hard physical work carting hay bales and so on around) I can't ever be 'thin' or maintain a 'normal; weight and be happy with how I look and feel. So I border on overweight, carry a lot of muscle which is heavier than fat, and am a larger dress size.

It's just crap how they work it out these days. Height and weight etc. Some people are naturally larger framed and carry more weight on their bodies, but the BMI will call them obese. Go figure. It's the bane of a lot of women's lives as they battle to lose weight because a sodding BMI tells them they are overweight or obese. OK, some might need to lose a bit, but in all honesty, I'd rather carry a few excess pounds than be underweight and depriving myself.
I have not heard of this either. I am a size 16-18 and not classed as obese, just overweight. I was larger when I had Jack and it still wasn't mentioned.
It does go on your height weight ratio but even then, that was very insensitive to call you obese. I would have cried!!! stupid women :shakehead:
My BMI was quite high but no one ever mentioned any injection.

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