

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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After chatting with my pg neigbour today, was wondering if anyone is bothered about initials? Seems to always be a debate when thinking of baby names.

So my questions are:-
1. What's your initials? Have they ever been an issue? lol
2. Does initials come in to the equation when chosing your baby name?

My initials are LAR. Pretty boring! I think, unless it was a really rubbish word, it wouldn't bother me. My friends is NAG lol, but how often do you write your full initials. I'd write LR if anything.

My maiden initials are LK, which don't seem too bad but i cringe everytime i see Lorraine Kelly.

Now i'm LB which is pretty dull. I wasn't given a middle name.

My cousin had the initials KAK which i find amusing...

I guess the trick is not to use a middle name with a vowel at the beginning :)
If DH had his way with names our babies initials would be KKK! NOT going to happen although I am def not opposed to a name with odd initials apart from that one of course lol!

I used to be a JEM now im xx
lol KAK and KKK - I suppose can see where you'd think twice there! xx
I'm HAMC :) if you use my first name, 2 middle names and the second half of my last name you get this - HAM shank ;) obviously my parents didn't think about initials. I hadn't thought about it until someone posted a similar thread on here.
I'm - ebkm
DH - djs
DS - ajs

But my DD is - IRS lol!
LO - cams

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i was ALS, im now ALC,
OH is CEC,
and baby will be either LEC, or OC depending on if baby comes out a girl or a boy, lol
i was ALS, im now ALC,
OH is CEC,
and baby will be either LEC, or OC depending on if baby comes out a girl or a boy, lol

You should have Edward Leon or Ellen Louise then they will be elc - early learning centre hehe!!

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My initials are C.S.H. Baby's will be either J.S.D or H.C.D. Pretty boring apart from my Son will be called Jack.D if theres more than one in his class. Say it out loud it'll make you laugh but we love it! :)

DD is SMH and DS is SAH, both pretty boring. The other name I was looking at would have given DS the initials HAH!
Im LMA used to be LMN my DH is SAA and our DDs are LKA and SRA so boring not sure about this baby yet because we havnt chosen middle names but will more than likely be E_A or F_A if we stick to our fave boy n girls name dont think theres any middle name initial that would make a silly work with them so think we r safe x
My mate parents over thought initials and called him benjamin Edward Newsome so his initials are BEN. lol. My LO will be BAGH. xXx
I'm ELF and I'm not the tallest of people!!!

But it isn't something that I really considered when choosing a baby name, just made sure it didn't spell anything silly or rude.
I was LMC and I am now LMN (so part of the alphabet!)

OH is CAN, although this has never been a problem. We have chosen a name for our son that mean he will have the same initials as his daddy so yes we did think about initials a lot. Plus I know someone whose initials are BO and she gets stick!
Thanks ladies :) interesting to hear what everyone thinks!x
I'm a JSJ and OH is a JWJ , Kids are RDJ, TRJ, BLJ and LO will be DRJ or DR Jones! ha ha We dikd think carefully about my daughters BLJ , as didn't want the initial s BJ for blowjob! and then went ahead anyway , and stupidly gave her a L name Leigh as middle, so made it worse BLJ!!!! , btu I know now two other families of jones's and they all have a BJ in there as a child! so makes me feel better!
My initials are fine but my mum was a HAM and when she got married went to a HAS but my brother is unfortunate and his initials are ASS!!! She really didn't think it through!!! lol!!!!
My initials are LL, OH is MWT and my DS will be EOWLT

My Lil cherub will have a long name

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