Infection :-(.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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The end to a fairly shitty week came yesterday girls when I spent three hrs in A&E for pain to be examined internally by a male doctor and told I had developed an infection most likely from the tools they used during my D&C on Monday!!

I honestly feel like I've gone through the wars this week and now (I'm flying out for a two week holiday/our destination wedding) tonight and can 100% no swim, sit in the sun or drink alcohol (due to antibiotics) or consummate our wedding night!!

Really .... Can I please have some good karma come my way??
Oh Lynne I'm so sorry, that is a horrible week. I hope your holiday and wedding go as well as they can in the circumstances. Xxx
Lynne you've certainly been through the mill! I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly, are you on them for long? I hope you are able to enjoy as much as you can, and make some nice memories even through such a difficult time xxx
That is just truely awful. Nobody deserves this bad luck! Im sorry to hear it. Its so hard but try to think of any of good things to keep you strong!! ❤️
Hi Lynne, sending you big hugs, hopefully the antibiotic kicks in quickly so you feel better. I'm shocked to hear they let you get an infection. I am sending you lots and lots of positive karma your way. xxxx
What a terrible week! I'm so sorry to hear of your trials this week. Hopefully just being somewhere warm and having the opportunity to relax and do nothing will be a positive thing. And you're getting married! I hope it will be a truly magical day for you both, where you can set aside the horrible time you've had (I know it won't go away, so please don't think I'm being flippant) and focus on each other.

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