

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Hi All, I hoping you can answer my question. A couple of weeks ago i went for my routine scan at 12 weeks (althou i was only 10 weeks) and whilst there they told me the baby had died a couple of weeks before that at approx 8-9 weeks. This was difficult enough but then we had to decide what to do next. I opted for the Medical treatment as it was unlikely after two weeks i was going to spontaneously miscarry and i didnt want the D&C as it carried a risk of scaring and i already have a scar from a previous Ectopic pregnancy and left tube removal.

My question is i think i may now have an infection and i have made an appointment with the GP tomorrow to get treatment but will this infection have any effect on my future fertility or pregnancies?

Sorry to go on but i am terrified of getting pregnant again encase it all happens again.
I would definitely do to the dr hun :hug:

Although I have had lots of uterine infections and went on to have pregnancies :)
Really feel for you Hun, I have just had a D&C last week following a 11 week scan and had the same thing - no heartbeat from 9 weeks. I would get it checked out at docs asap to catch any infection early, and think all should be great for any future pregnancy.

Please just message me if you want to chat, I have found this really helps me!
Hope u ok - I know a friend how had had this prob and she now has a lovely little girl. Would def get it sorted asap but no reason it would affect future pregnancies I don't think xxx
Thank you all for your lovely replies. I did indeed end up going to the doctors on Thursday afternoon. The GP did confirm I had an infection however Thursday evening I started to bleed bright red blood and very heavy large clots. I started soaking a maternity pad every 30-40mins.

My DH rushed me to the local hospital and I collapsed twice and woke up in the resuscitation bay whilst having fluids pumped into my body. They informed me that the medical miscarriage carried out 2 weeks previous had been incomplete and they needed to do an emergency D&C that night.

The next day I had to be given a blood transfusion due to the vast blood loss I had experienced. I am now on iron tablets and antibiotics to treat the infection and help bring my haemoglobin levels back to normal.

My message to you ladies is, you know your body so please seek medical attention when you know something is not right. I knew something was not right but told myself not to be silly and regret not listening to my body.

Have any of you experienced this and gone on to have another pregnancy? I would love to try for another baby but this has terrified me. :sad:
Oh Kirsthar, I really feel for you.. Welldone to be warning everyone of the dangers from this..

I was booked in for a D&C on the 12th March and ended up starting to miscarry in the night of the 11th, bled constantly for 4 hours, (couldn't leave the loo as the pads were soaking in 20 seconds) and then my Mum took me to A&E for a different hospital as the one I was booked into didn't have an A&E! and ended up in Re-suss too! and then D&C, very simular story as yours, only without the infection - so you are not alone

I ended up with 5 canulas in arms and still have bruised hands and arms where they tried to get them in as the veins had collapsed, two weeks on..

They pumped me full of fluids and 2 litres via blood transfusion and I am also on Iron tablets for a month. Don't worry you will start feeling more human and less wobbly after 7 days or so , just watch you dont have any morning warm baths as I end up all fainty and rubbish for the rest of the day.

Try to sleep lots, I kept conking out that first week from sheer tiredness - Go with your body.

Best to take the iron tablets with Orange Juice as apparently vitamin C helps the uptake of Iron and don't drink too much caffine as apparently that can block the absorbtion of Iron.

Message me any time you want to talk or rant. It really will get easier, and esp once you start feeling better.

Take Care X Jenni
Thank you very much Jenni, it is comfort to know i have not been the only one to go through this. :hug:

How did you find the bleeding afterwards if you don't mind me asking? I have bled little since the d&c more like spotting and my GP has reassured me this is normal but i cant help feeling a panic inside me every time i see it. I just think "oh please don't let it start again". I know that sound ridiculous as its only tiny but what happened last time freaked me out.

I am returning to work tomorrow and although they have been great, i keep having this irrational fear that i'll start poring with blood whilst there. I am starting to wonder if i'll ever be sane again :confused:

Take care, Kirsty x
Hi Kristhar,

I did bleed medium amounts for about a week after the D&C. Hope things are on the up for you now , you should not bleed like you did before as the D&C should have removed all and should just be slight bleeding now.

I am still getting the odd tiny bit of spotting now! D&C was on March the 12th (11 days ago) and so I just use a tiny panty liner just incase! but since two days ago don't really need it, more for peace of mind, so I know what you mean about going into work and worrying about flooding.

I am wondering when my period will come too, have slight signs of things getting back to normal, body is definately upto something ie ovulation or AF coming perhaps, not sure - I hear it can take anything from 2-6 weeks or so to get back to normal !

From my experiance this last week r so, just take it easy at work and make sure you get lots of sleep as I can cry like a trooper when I have tired eyes, and if anyone at work knows and asks, or other things happen or annoy you, you might find you get a bit emotional take it easy, and hopefully they won't expect too much of you first week back! :hug:

Jenni X
Thanks Jenni, The bleeding has for the moment stayed as spotting and fingers crossed it will eventually stop.

I did return to work on Weds but unfortunately i had to leave mid day as i came over all funny and dizzy, which i put down to the blood transfusion and still low haemoglobin levels. Luckily i have supportive bosses who were fine with me going and i since saw the doctor today who signed me off for the rest of the week to rest.

How you feeling about trying again? I go from really wanting too and then thinking oh no i cant do that again x
Kirsthar I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world and that I hope youa re feeling better now :hug:
Hi Kirsthar, Ahh poor you , don't worry your strength will return and your'll get less wobblyness as the days go on, keep taking those iron tablets. Good that you are off this week now and can get more rest to recover.

I actually felt that I turned a corner when I decided that what I needed was to be pregant again, and coming on the forum probably helped sway me a little! but the support on here is fantastic, even just talking about it all makes it easier in a way.

As for trying again, this is going to be different with everyone I guess, but for me I really have much felt happier since I made the descision to try again and in a way it has helped me find a purpose again , something to get stuck into and look forward too.

I know it's not been long since MC, but I have got excited at the thought of being pregnant again. I'm sure if I did get pregnant then it would stir up the emotions again , but I still think that it is what is right for me now.

I had my blood test yesterday to see how my haemoglobin levels were picking up, so I should get the results monday, as all this iron is bunging me up big time, been eating prunes etc !!

How are you feeling with it all now?

I finally went back to work yesterday and i'm def starting tofeel abit more normal now.

I'm def geting the feelings that i want to start again now. Although i'm going to check with my gp today whether its a good idea to start tryng after i have finsihed the iron tablets. Obviously i dont want to not take them and i wouldnt get pregnant whilst taking them. Trouble is i'm on them for 3months so i'll have to wait a little while!

I think my DH will need more convincing as he really thought he was going to lose me so he is terrified of the idea of me getting pregnant again.

How did your results go? Are your levels back to normal now?

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