Infection, Normal Discharge, or Mucus Plug???


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hello Ladies :wave:

(Sorry for TMI!!)

For the past 3-4 days i have been having like thick slightly green tinged snotty substance when i have been to the toilet and wiped? i have been checked for infections and nothing has ever been mentioned and has always came back clear? or would you just say its pretty normal.. ive read that your mucus plug could be clear, pink, yellow, green so just wondered if anyone else has had anything else like this and what did it turn out to be??

i think just because its slighty green colour it makes it sound horrible!! YUK!!

oh and it doesnt smell!!

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Could be your plug hun - have you rung MW?

On the topic of discharge (how pleasant) I feel constantly damp at the mo like I'm leaking extra discharge or something... anyone else got this? x
Could be your plug hun - have you rung MW?

On the topic of discharge (how pleasant) I feel constantly damp at the mo like I'm leaking extra discharge or something... anyone else got this? x

i had dampness around same time as u, but have since dried up lol
yep to the extra discharge at the min- not a pleasant side effect lol!
Could be your plug hun - have you rung MW?

On the topic of discharge (how pleasant) I feel constantly damp at the mo like I'm leaking extra discharge or something... anyone else got this? x

Yes, to the point where I've started to think I'm wetting myself without realising it! Have to change my pantyliner an awful lot.

Kelly, sounds like it could possibly be plug? Definitely give your MW a call xx
Was worried I was leaking waters but it's not the right consistency. I literally change my undies and within seconds can feel myself leaking :blush:

Gross... x
I'd give your mw a call hun , just because of the colour . Sounds like your plug though xx
i have a lot of dischatge to, when i finished on the toilet when i go to stand up i see it all drip out and in the night i woke up damp in my knickers to lol
Thanks :)

oh and i know what you mean about feeling constantly wet down there, im the same i hate it because i become paranoid that i will have a wet patch while im out and everyone will see it!

I should of mentioned something to her yesterday while i was there but i forgot!!

I wish it wasnt slightly greenish though.. why couldnt it be pink, thats my favourite colour lol :)
lol, i been to see my midwife today to but i hate asking her things and did not help that their was a student midwfie their to x
I mentioned to mw on Tuesday that I thought id lost plug last week and she was not bothered at all... I too have extra discharge now but mine thick and white/yellow. Yuk. My big problem is not to sneeze or cough coz pee leaks! Even after just been to loo

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