Anyone got any tips on using this? My son was prescribed it today and I already have questions! I am going to try and ask a pharmacist tomorrow but it would be nice to know what others do in the mean time. The package says to mix each sachet with 115ml (4oz) of feed. He is supposed to take 2 sachets but is highly unlikely to take 230ml. He currently has 2 bottles of expressed breast milk and 3 of formula each day and will usually take between 150 and 200ml per feed (occasionally more or less). Do I need to make up 230ml in order to have the right ratio of liquid to powder? I don't mind wasting formula but really dont want to waste breast milk. Does it matter if he doesn't finish a feed and therefore doesn't have a full dose? The packet says to give 'as needed' up to 6x per day. Should I give it with every feed? Thanks in advance. X