Reducing breast feeding to 2x daily?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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As ewan is approaching 6 months i was thinking of giving him formula during the day and to give him a breast feed in the morning and last thing. would i have to give him both breasts am and pm? or just one am and pm?? as he still wakes during the night for a feed too??
Not sure how to do it or should i let him wean him self?
He just doesn't seem satisfied after a breast feed now....
Rubie is only 5 weeks and I have started doing this as she never seemed full. The only problem is that now I have cut a lot of her feeds out, I don't seem to have hardly any milk...
I breast fed my first for about that long too, and also gave up eventually because I just wasn't filling him up.

Personally I would think about the times of day when a breastfeed is more convenient.
Last thing at night I would recommend a bottle, as it will fill him up more and help him sleep longer, then maybe and night/early morning feeds you can breastfeed so you still don't have to get up and heat a bottle.

As far as weaning from one to the other...I would give it a go going right into the routine, then if your boobs get big and sore in the daytime either exress a little bit or feed him a bit to ease it off. Pretty soon your boobs will get used to making just the right amount anyway.

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