Hi again


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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I know I've not been on here properly for ages, have dropped in occasionally to read birth announcements, congrats to all. Been really busy these past 3 months, new baby, got married, crazy christmas etc so now feel a bit guilty about coming back when I need some advice when I haven't really been round for you guys but here goes.

Freddie is 15 weeks tomorrow (don't know where the time's gone) and I am getting ready to switch him onto formula from breast milk and I will then start introducing some solids into his diet as well.

I want to do the change gradually and was thinking of doing a formula bottle for his half 3pm feed - this way his daddy can feed him when he gets in from work but I can still give him his bed time feed until he is used to the formula. Does this sound about right?

Question is, how much do I give him as when he has an expressed bottle its about 4oz and that seems to see him through the 3 hours till he's hungry again, is formula as filling as breast milk or is it more so??

Anyone else changed from breast to formula? If so how did you do it?
when i was in the hospital they told me breast milk was higher calorific content and more fullfilling than formula hope this helps x
I reckon I might start him off with 6oz then and see how it goes, whether he wants it all or not and whether he's hungry earlier than normal. What do you think?
im not sure does it not say on the formula milk packet recommended allowace it does on aptimil?? but tria and error will work x

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