Infacol for windy bottoms?

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Hi ladies

My LO is pretty good at bringing up her wind after feeds, but a few times a day she works hard producing wind in the other direction!

I don't think she has colic - she doesn't spend much time crying/screaming but every time we put her down after a night feed she makes all sorts of grunting noises while she works on her wind (we tend to pick her up again for another burping session, and put her down agian when she's zonked).

Then, in the morning, she grunts away - working on her wind - for about an hour before she wakes up. Sometimes she'll pass wind then, sometimes during/after her morning feed. She sleeps through all the grunting so it means we wake up an hour before she does. She does the same at the end of her daytime naps.

My question is this? Do any of your babies do anything similar? Do you use infacol of similar - even though they don't seem to be in pain - just to help them manage their wind? Does it help?

Thanks ladies
Mines the same I've just bought the infacol to try and changed his sma gold milk to cow and gate comfort as his poo was green and apparently that's a sign of colic also I was told even though he does big burps after his feeds that its just false wind as he's still uncomfortable afterwards so hopefully it'll help him even though he isn't a very unsettled baby but not entirely content after feeds like he should be!!
If your LO is anything like mine Younymum they will be pumping lie a trooper on the C & G comfort!! LOL Alyssia makes grunting noises and pushes lots as well (shes currently on the baby monitor grunting away in her sleep!) We did use infacol but now on gripe water and yes it des help! XX
I'm a total novice with lo only being 2 weeks old but I had this for two days. I have spent the morning rubbing his stomach gently in a clock wise direction and moving his legs like he is on a bike and occasionally bringing his knees closer to his chest this has really helped him
X x
G has a really windy butt! And infacol seems to have helped her. Xxx
Once they get to a month old then I have always found that gripe water works better for bottom wind!
Thanks ladies - think I'll give colic massage and some infacol or similar tomorrow.

If Breastfeeding, how often do you give infacol - LO sometimes feeds every hour or two - would I give it every time?

With tummy rubbing, do you do this a random times just to keep things moving, or when LO has wind?
iv been having the same problem so started her on infacol a week ago and it has hellpe i think but will move her onto gripe water when she gets to a month as iv heard its better.

you have to give it with every feed as it needs to build up but iv started giving 2 drops instead of 1 as she was gettin bad cramps after being burped,

he aslo squeeks when i put her down after a feed anyone elses do that?
I got showen some 'moves' to help things my a midwife and was told to do it when calm and also when suffering as both times would help!
Noah has a lot of wind too. He's forever trumping lately (and they absolutely stink!). I'm mixed feeding at the moment, and the formula we've chosen to give him is C&G Comfort. We also give him Infacol before most feeds, it depends on if he's been unsettled beforehand. I think Infacol definately helps to a degree, and Noah seems to like the taste, so when it's put in his mouth he's immediately quiet and slaps his lips together :D

Wanting to get my hands on some gripe water - waiting for this shortage to fizzle out...
I massage throughout the day just to help things move but it really does help if he is distressed xx

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