Well that's me back from the hospital, done a urine sample and got put on the ecg machine. Everything fine with heartbeat,etc. Urine came back with +keytones ( no idea what that is) but they didnt mention it to me anyway. I'm to go in on Saturday for 2pm to the ward, I'm getting the pessary, that can be given upto 3 times, if that doesnt work then on Sunday I will be taken down to the labour suite and my waters broken. My partner is allowed to come in with me but he cannot stay all night UNLESS i'm in labour. My mum is my second birthing partner, I asked if she is allowed to come in with us for 2pm on Saturday and they basically said no, but if I go into labour then she will be allowed to stay with us.
I noticed in my notes along with the +ketones in my urine that the baby is now only measuring 33cm, at 39 weeks ... that's even worse than what it was on 28th January, I measured 36cm then. Surely my baby cant be getting smaller ????
I woke up this morning and went to the toilet at the back of 6am and wiped, and there it was ... my "show", hadnt had anymore untill I got home from the hospital and had a little more when I wiped this time again. That's a good sign yeah ??
I told the midwife when I was at the hospital I had it this morning and it was basically "blah" to her lol and she didnt even say anythin apart from ok.