Induced - early birth


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Hi Guys,

Still in my 2nd Tri (22 weeks now) but I was told today I may have to be induced 3 to 4 weeks early as junior is big for his age.

Has anyone been induced early or in the same position? Do you know nay one that has? What is it like? Also, would my baby have to stay in hospital until his actual due date comes?

Sorry for so many questions, just curious.


I was induced at 37+5 because I'd been having early contractions. The birth went OK and I was out of hospital within two days.

When I started having the problems I was only 27 weeks, and they kept telling me that they wanted to gte me past 34 weeks because then the lungs are fully developed.

Obvoîously the longer LO stays inside the better, but if they induce at 36 weeks it should be fine.

good luck hun :hug:
Im in the same boat i will have to be induced due to type 2 diabetes because of the size of baby .

Antenatal have told me they wont let me go over 38 weeks and then when i went to see midwife last week she mentioned they could induce me at 36 weeks .

I will find out more today as i have my antenatal appointment .

I have to have regular scans to keep an eye on baby growth .

Have they done the same for you ?

As for will the baby stay in hospital longer , i think baby will beable to come home with yourself depending on how baby is .

What is baby currently weighing in at ? if you dont mind me asking
Baby weighs at 536g's, I haven't had reg scans as just been told today, have to go back at my 7 month mark for another but check ups with my gyn are every 10 days now :?
I had elective section at 36 weeks due to insulin dependent G diabetes (baby big) and pre eclampsia. I actually was hospitalised from 22 weeks gestation due to the pre-eclampsia. At 22 weeks the idea was to get me to 30 weeks. When I got there ok they said 32 weeks would be better then 34 and finally at 36 weeks after a growth scan that estimated baby to be 10lbs they did section. Baby was in special care due to complications of diabetes and prematurity. Brought her home at 38 weeks gestation. I am surprised you are being told this early on that your baby is so big it will have to be induced early - babies grow at different rates and it could all balance itself out before long. Is there a reason why the baby is big eg diabetes? Try to find out why they are saying this to you and try not to worry too much. Sometimes madwives are just that - MAD! Best of luck but whatever, my guess is that if you and the baby are healthy and have no medical reasons for the baby being big ie it is just genetics then they will carefully balance the decision to induce early with the maturity of the baby. Provided the baby is not massive I doubt they will do it earlier than 38 weeks in which case babe should be mature enough not to suffer serious complications.
i was induced at 35+5 due to large baby and pre eclapcia , hannah was 10lb 40z and had to spend 3 days in scbu, we came home after 8 days
My surgeon has said the same peachy, they don't want to do my induction before 37 weeks as the babies lungs aren't properly mature, anything earlier is too much of a risk (unless life or death obviously!)
This is right. Big babies can be delivered with no problems too. My friend is tiny, really petite and she gave birth to her baby at 42 weeks and it was nearly 11lbs - no problems not even a tear. Everyone and every situation is different. sometimes it is the positioning of the babe that causes the complications rather than the size. Try not to worry they won't induce you so early that the baby suffers unless the risk of this far outweights the benefits of babe remaining inside you :)
I don't have a midwife, the problem being is you don't meet here until you're about to drop :shock: So it's the Gyn for me! I have about 3 different doctors as I am at the hospitla rather than private (private costs 50 Cyp pound a visit, round about 60 GBP). Every one has told me that the hospital was great when they were there, so no need to worry but the language barrier can be a problem at times.

They want to test me for diabetes, they told me the risks of pre-E, I am having a big problem with swelling in my feet and ankles, they can swell 6 times the size now but doc's have all said not to worry (I am being sent to a foot doc next week just to double check that the swelling isn't being an added case of something else other than the preg).

See, I have no one over here to advise me accordingly and there is only so much I can do with calling the UK to speak to mum.

I suppose I'm just trying to get down to all the facts too fast.

However, I am glad I found this site, you are all so helpful and wonderful!
Josephine Beth, you are the same as me - I am in Bulgaria and only have gynae too but have to pay private fees for him. It is not at all ideal and I do think you get less care than if you were in the UK - infant mortality here in BG is very high indeed and I can see why. If you have such a lot of swelling you need to make sure your blood pressure is normal and not rising, you need to be checked at least every week for this because you have symptoms with the swelling. You also need to have regular urine tests to check for protein, I am not offered these here at my antenatal appointments but as my husband is a hospital microbiologist he brought me some test sticks home and I test my own urine for protein and also for glucose. If your baby is already big for dates you should be having regular fasting glucose tests to check whether or not you are clearing glucose properly and possibly even a glucose tolerance test. If you are being told everything is ok double check and ask questions about your BP and your status as regards protein and glucose. I don't want to worry you at all, it may be just a case of big baby and no problems but your swelling is sounding alarm bells to me - we all suffer from a bit of swelling in the evening this is normal but marked swelling like you describe CAN be a sign of pre-eclampsia. If you can get a thorough check up and a 2nd opinion I personally would advise it. Pre-eclampsia can move very quickly and you very often have few symptoms until things are in a dangerous situation. If necessary turn up at the hospital and say you feel ill! I know it is hard when there is a language barrier, if you don't speak greek is there a greek friend you can take with you to translate? Please try to find out more about your situation, be a right pain in the arse if necessary - the squeaky wheel gets the oil so to speak and shy bairns get nowt! I have learnt to be more like this as I was totally unassertive with my last pregnancy and afraid of bothering people. Go today and let us know. Hope all is well for you but you do need to be monitored regularly now. :think:

I think its common but only after 37 weeks when LO is full term

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