incompetent cervix


May 29, 2011
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I went into labour at 22 weeks. It all seemed to happen to suddenly. On the 7th of June at about 5pm i started having contractions, and i had my little boy at 11.57pm. No one has really said anything about why it happened, but I have to go to the hospital for a follow up appointment in August.

I was just wondering if anyone on here had been diagnosed with an incompetent cervix, and if you had been diagnosed with it straight away or if it took a few weeks after it happened. I hope all this makes sense, feel like im rambling on a little.

Just wondering why this has happened. I really just want my baby. I would be 26 weeks on Tuesday. Because i was only 22 weeks at the time they didnt try to help my baby, but i just keep thinking if only i could have delayed it happening by a few weeks, my little boy may be alive.
Oh Claire Im so sorry to hear about your loss honey! I cant imagine hiw upsetting this has been for you! In terms of advice about an incomplete cervix Im afraid I dont have any answers. All I can say is that life can be cruel and really shit at times! Not to cliche but time will make the pain ease a little although it will never go away completely. You have to take care of you and your oh. Make sure you keep talking about it and tale timd to grieve for your baby! Talking and sharing your views on here can really help!

XxBig Hugsxx
Hi hun,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. xxxx

I know someone that lost her little boy around the same time because of an incompetent cervix. She was diagnosed at her 20 week scan and went into labout at 22 weeks.

As far as I know, she has been told that for any future pregnancies they will put a stitch in her cervix at 12 weeks and from there she will have to take time off of work and take it easy.

I'm sorry that you've had to go through this. It's such an unfair thing to happen.

Sending you lots of hugs.

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So sorry for your loss. Dont ever blame yourself, prem labour totally sneeks up on you and hind sight is always 20/20. but you cannot blame yourself or sit and go mad with all the whatifs and if onlys, i have done it and still do it but you couldnt have prevented it - you didnt know it was going to happen. look after yourself take all the support and help you can get. good luck and sending you loads of hugs xx:hugs:
I'm so sorry for your loss xxx

I don't know if this helps but my Mum had an incompetant cervix and lost 2 babies at 22-24 weeks before they figured it out. After that she had a stitch in her cervix for each pregnancy and went on to have a healthy full term girl (me) and a healthy full term boy - and that was 31 years ago, medical science has come a long way since then so I see no reason for you to worry about future pregnancies.

:( so sorry for your loss. I lost my first baby boy at 20 weeks. It's so hard but you have to keep believing some how. I had my 2nd baby boy at 25+5 and he's now 4. :) i was then diagnosed with an incompetent cervix so with my 3rd baby I had a McDonald cervical suture put in under spinal anistetic at 12 weeks and carried to
39 weeks despite having it took out at 34. I'm now 36 weeks pregnant and had my suture out 2 weeks ago. So don't give up babe, there are some amazing drs out there who will get you there. Stay strong, lots of hugs and love xxxxxxx pm me if you have any questions xxxx
i am so sorry for your loss and pray that you will get answers and the help that you need x x
SO sorry to hear your story, I'm sorry I don't know anything about it, other than reading other girls stories on here and it does sound like there is help out there now they have identified the problem but I'm sure none of it takes away the pain of your loss, I hope you have lots of support, the girls here are amazing :hug: xx
hiya sweetie, i told you a little bit about my mum on PM but i would put a bit more detail here;

Mum started having back pains at around 26 weeks, she went to the doctors but they didnt do anything or even check her. Her waters broke at 27 weeks and she went into Labour. She was 18 and living far away from anyone she knew on an RAF base

she walked into the hospital alone and scared wearing a maternity dress and left, alone and scared the next day without her baby.

she said he was perfect.

when she got pregnant with my eldest brother, she was living in germany, they are more thorough over there, and when she went in at the same gestation with the same back pains she was examined and made to lie very still, the doctor feared she would go into labour quickly and she was given a spinal and they very gently pushed the sack back up and stitched her cervix. She was in fear (and bedridden) for the next 2 months but gave birth to a healthy baby when they unstitched her.

when she got pregnant with Ian and again with me, they stitched her earlier on. I can ask her at what gestation if you like? and she carried us until they unstitched her and she gave birth naturally 3 times :)

it is a devistating thing, to find out that your cervix is weak but it is very fixable and mum had her children 30 years ago!

I hope you find some strength in that xx
i am so sorry hun for you loss :hugs: i have no ecperience with an incompetant cervix but ui just wanted you to know how sorry i am and I hope your ok xxx

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