in-law rant incoming.....................


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Does anyone elses in laws drive them daft?

I have a list far too long to mention of annoying things they do or say, but their newest game seems to be on insisting that MY baby looks like their side of the family.

Granted, she does have half of her father's genes and there will be some likeness. (Not that you can see any similarities to either of us at the minute). But OH's family go on and on and on and on about how she looks like them. They have even started pulling out photos to prove the point. OH and I can't see any of the similarities they are on about.

They always refer to April as 'their' baby, as in belonging to their side of the family!!

It drives me NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: Don't they realise that she is also my little girl and has half of my genes.

Ok. Feel better now that is off my chest. :)
lol hun in laws are there to do your head in!

Mine insist that my baby is a spitting image of me and my side of family and they make me feel like they doubt that Chester is Chris's!
Yesterday a cousin said "he look so like his mummy, I cant see any of Chris in him, you'd have thought he's have some of Chris's features"
so I stand there saying, he's got chris's mouth, eyes etc!!!
Mine live in Australia so no not usually. However MIL is over visiting for a while but we are getting on ok.

One thing, she was the first one to say she could not see a single bit of likeness between Galen and OH at all. Not from OH now or when he was a baby. Nothing. Galen is all me atm, from the dark hair at birth, the mouth, the chin. Even the big feet :roll: The lot :lol:

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