in hospital *update no.2*

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hope your BP comes down soon so you can go home and bubs hangs in there longer.

Thinking of you

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope BP has stayed down for you today and that you're feeling better :hug:
thinking of you sweetie. hope you make it home tomorrow :hug: xx
i can completly sympathise with you hun.. i got Pe last time around 33 weeks.. and u do really seriously feel like crap...i was saying to mw thursday i cant believe how great i feel this time round.. and how physically exhaused i felt last time...make sure you rest.. and keep your feet up..

take all the help you can.. coz when PE strikes u do feel like crap..
thanks am feeling a bit low 2day... was told i could come home this afternoon but bloods came back with abnormalities so ive had 2 stay in again. dont feel like im geting any answers either just waiting everyday, what doesit mean if the acid in ur blood rises, is it likely to go down again and how far will they let it go b4 inducing oor c section? asked the doc and he couldnt say :wall: ... better see the registra 2mo or im gona b so pised off
had a bit of a blip last night bp went sky high again pretty quickly, wasnt feeling 2 gd at all. they've doubled my bp med dosage n if bp goes up again (its controlled atm) then will b put on a drip. doc said this morning tht its progressing quicker thn they expected n doc last niht said tht bubs will probb b delivered earlier thn first thought. so things r gettng a bit scary... its too early :cry:

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