Implantation bleeding Tues, Wed, Thurs, still negative pregnancy test this morning!


Mar 17, 2012
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Hi there, I wonder if anyone can offer me some reassurance or advice. We already have a beautiful daughter who is two, so I should really be a bit more informed.
Had intercourse on 1st March, that's it!! On 13th March I went to the loo and noticed a pink spotting on the loo roll.
Not thinking anything of it, particularly as my period was not due for another seven days and I'm NEVER early, I just forgot about it. Went to the loo the next day and same link spotting again followed by brown tinged stringy stuff the next evening.
I would have been due my period from today until Thursday (usually between 24 and 29 day cycle) so did a test this morning. Negative.
I have been getting mild twinges and back ache throughout this week intermittently but nothing even close to usual period cramp.

Any advice folks? Help!
Sounds good. Could easily still be too early. Wait a few days and test again.

Fx for you x
Hi Swan81, weve been trying for baby #3 for the past 12 months and I thought I should be pretty clued up by now but no such luck lol! Feels as though I might as well be trying for my first!!

Ive experienced a similar sort of thing this cycle, was due af on Thursday, had a small bleed Tuesday night but nothing since, also unusual for me to have an early period. Ive been charting and this morning my temp. is still up and still no signs of af. Like you Ive also been experiencing intermittent cramping this week. Im going out to get a test today but really dreading it as I know how disappointed I'll be if its a negative.

The fact that you only had intercourse once this cycle might not be a problem, (in the end thats all it took for us to get our 2nd baby). Angel could be right, maybe your just a little to early with the test. Which test did you use? Apparently First Response do a test that you can do before your period is due.

make sure you keep us updated - fingers x for us both xx
Hi Swan81, weve been trying for baby #3 for the past 12 months and I thought I should be pretty clued up by now but no such luck lol! Feels as though I might as well be trying for my first!!

Ive experienced a similar sort of thing this cycle, was due af on Thursday, had a small bleed Tuesday night but nothing since, also unusual for me to have an early period. Ive been charting and this morning my temp. is still up and still no signs of af. Like you Ive also been experiencing intermittent cramping this week. Im going out to get a test today but really dreading it as I know how disappointed I'll be if its a negative.

The fact that you only had intercourse once this cycle might not be a problem, (in the end thats all it took for us to get our 2nd baby). Angel could be right, maybe your just a little to early with the test. Which test did you use? Apparently First Response do a test that you can do before your period is due.

make sure you keep us updated - fingers x for us both xx
Thanks Cyprus08 and Little_angel.

I'm just going to wait another four or five days and see what happens I guess.

I used the Clearblue digital twin pack, one yesterday afternoon and one first thing this morning, obviously both negative.

The negative tests really make you feel so down. However, I only bought a test after this spotting which I never had with my first pregnancy and had never had any sign of an early period.

I'm know back to driving myself crazy which I really wanted to avoid!

Wishing you both lots of baby dust xx

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