Immy's sleep diary


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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originally the 'immy slept through thread'

Not only did she sleep from 10 till 6 this morn, she also got over the
hurdle of sleeping in her cot as well for the first time. I felt she wasnt sleeping well in her moses basket so thats why i have put her in the cot.
She looked ever so comfy though with all her new blankets and soft fleecy sheet.
Il put a pic on in a bit for you all.

And she was fasinated with her cot mobile and kept grinning at it. :D

Heres her last night, she fell asleep almost straight away
Ahh Immy looks well cute. What a clever girl.

.........come over and have a word with Evie will you........ :lol:
I didnt do anything special, im guessing its that she was exhausted as she stayed awake alot yesterday afternoon - she was falling asleep last night wheni fed her before putting her to bed :cheer:

She sooo clever!

Bet it sont happen tonight! :rotfl:
I feel all sleepy looking at the pic of Immy in her cot, she looks so cosy! :D
she looks so gorgeous all tucked up .... bless :sleep: :sleep:

let us know how tonight goes
She wasnt awake this time when i put her to bed at half 10 but she woke up after 10 mins for a bottle and so i have fed her and shes settled down again - I bet she sleeps through again.

Ive decided to make this a sleep diary so i can refer back and see how shes doing, and maybe some of you can point out if im doing anything wrong!
She didnt sleep all the way through last night, she had a bottle at half 10 and my hubby said she woke up for one at half 4 so thats still going longer for her.
The improvemnt in general though is great since we put her in her cot, when we put her down she settles instead of crying which is a miricle cos all she did for two weeks is scream and howl when we put her in her moses basket.

All in all happy with how things are going and I hope she will be sleeping through soon.
Even if its the one feed a night i can cope with that!
Having a few teething problems tonight, not teeth though lol...

We gave her a bath bottle and put her down as sh had fallen asleep in her bouncer, but as soon as she touched the cot she raored for 20 mins then we too her back in the living roon and shes sparko again, so im guna try again

4th october,

my fault she werent in bed at a good time, wa late for hwr tonight and all she has done today is sleep - so well i got all my chores one.
She has had a coupke of little whinges and settled down again.
Tomoorow im going to write a routine out from the time we all get up till her bed time. Im guna have to be tough, but im so tired. Tommo keeps using the i work all day bóllocks as a excuse so he dont have to do nothing, am sick of it.

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