Immunisations are so horrible.......

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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and I have just been informed by the nurse that on the third lot of immunisations at 4 months they have to have 3 on the same day. I know it is for their own good but you would think they would give them on different days or something. I took Jake for is second ones yesterday and he cried his eyes out dear of him. It makes me feel so guity every time.
they are the worst things ever, and the last one is awful really awful, i just get through by telling myself, Alastair will forget about it in 2 mins time and they are for his own good.

Calpol before and after hun, and a nice warm bottle or milk for right after the injection, i swear that helps :hug:
Rowan had his last week and better to just get it over and done with. Yes he cried but I have to say I didn't feel awful as I know that for a minute of pain he will be protected for a lifetime. Guess you have to look at the big picture. I gave Rowan calpol before and lots of cuddles after and he was fine :D
Harrison had his 3rd ones last week but instead of giving him 3 in one go she gave him 2 and we had to go back yesterday for the third
if i could have got alice with my doc (was unable to, he is retiring soon so doesn't take on new babies), he would want me to come on 3 different occasions as he has never and never will do more than one jab on a baby in one day.

alice basicly slept through her first ones. OH had to hold her head and arms for me though. :oops:

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