I'm taking over this board!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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I might as well move into this board!
So yeah he had immunisations Monday. High temp with calpol Tuesday. Mild temp Wednesday. About 6pm I noticed the blasted rash start to appear a tiny bit again. Called doc, told to go to out of hours gp. Went to them, sent us to a and e. Still bloody here!
They aren't overly concerned because he seems to have a thing for this rash. But his bloods show infection, but the cultures won't be back til Saturday.
So. They have put him on iv antibiotics, to play safe, they will treat him for meningitis. But will let us home. Have to keep the drip thing in and come back every night for some more drugs.
And hopefully bloods will be fine and we can stop them Saturday. If not, they'll decide then.
So wish us luck on the bloods, and me luck on stopping him eating the drip!
Oh the rash had spread to most of his back by the time we got to a and e, which is why they'll treat him for it x
Ph no, poor little thing. Hope the rash clears up and he feels better soon. Good luck with him not eating the drip! I think ella would do the same as she eats everything! Hope you are ok?
Sorry your having to go through this Hun! hope the rash goes and he's better soon xx
Thanks. Yeah were okay. I'm slightly concerned, but he was much sicker when they thought he had meningitis when he was younger so I'm hoping it's just some random infection somewhere. Lol that sounds kind of strange doesn't it.
I guess in my head they're treating him for it, so even if it was, there already doing their job.
I'm so glad they let us home coz let's me know they aren't too stressy either xx
Oh no, fingers crossed for you, hope he is ok xxx
Okay. Same as was really. Not too bad in himself really. Temp still doing what it likes , but easier to control. Rash still there but stopped spreading
He HOWLED during last nights anti biotics. But he got them so that's the main thing I guess!
Im not that worried since he was allowed home. I think it's a case of, he's just a sicky baby in general if that makes sense? He seems to pick things up easily and they just affect him a lot?
It's frustrating, and kinda sad coz I don't actually think hes been healthy for more than a week at a time. There's always something? X
i know what you mean about a sicky baby...J is the same - always has something! well at least they have let him home.......did you get the cultures back or is it this sunday?? x
Should b back by tomorro night so he'll go in again tonight for meds, and tomorro night they will either take it out, or decide to carry on/change meds etc.
It's just so frustrating isn't it? He's been admitted twice and we've been sent to a and e... 6 or 7 other times? Not including gp etc visits. He was only 8 months on Wednesday?
I guess I'm hoping if he's a sicky baby he'll be a healthy kid coz he will have got it out of his system? X
yeah im hoping for the same! hes stopped breathing ha dnumerous stomach bugs, lost 12oz in 2 weeks, has a cows milk intolerance, we think he has a gluten intolerance and has had 3 bouts of conjunctivitis.......grrr.......it will help buid their immune system! x
Poor you! I would definately not have coped as well as you. I hope everthing comes back clear and gorgeous little boy starts to feel better soon xx
Thanks mookie. Me too!
Christ squeakz ur lo is in the wars too!
Conjuctivitis, is there anything u do for that, or is it one of them u have to ride out? Bless that must be sore!
Yeah the breathing thing is cians consistent issue. Colds, stomach aches, rashes etc seem to crop up every few weeks but his breathing problems are always there!
Just wish they could be, well, fixed lol x
So looks like were in a similar boat leanne lol!! Eye drops cleared it up each time!! Were gonna have really hartdy children when they are older lol x keep us updated with how things go!!! X
Thanks squeakz!
And lol yeah. I'm hopin by 1 years old... Max 2... I will have the worlds healthiest child!
Results back. Negative. Yay! He's suddenly got an awful cough so I think that starting must have triggered his initial bloods.
Got to make one more hospital trip to get the cannular taken out , and once again, I will say after this.. I never want to c that hospital again! Xx

I know it far too well, as much 'cos Mum worked there when I was a kid more than anything!

Hope he's feeling better.

Lol of course. Though I will say I prefer the paeds doctors to the normal ones! The nurse is paeds a and e was rude tho! Called us, in the middle of the corridor in adult triage was like, get him out of the push chair, undress him and show me this rash. There! I showed her, and she went oh fine. Itl have to be checked but I dont think it's a true petechial rash.
Even I know what they look like!
Took him thru, a doc came straight away and looked at the nurse and said, erm, yes it is.
I was like , ha in your face miss know it all!
Small victories huh lol
Thanks lander x
glad hes better hun and its nothing serious! x

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