I'm taking over this board!

Lol of course. Though I will say I prefer the paeds doctors to the normal ones! The nurse is paeds a and e was rude tho! Called us, in the middle of the corridor in adult triage was like, get him out of the push chair, undress him and show me this rash. There! I showed her, and she went oh fine. Itl have to be checked but I dont think it's a true petechial rash.
Even I know what they look like!
Took him thru, a doc came straight away and looked at the nurse and said, erm, yes it is.
I was like , ha in your face miss know it all!
Small victories huh lol
Thanks lander x

Sorry I missed this before!! Cahal had exactly the same thing and was treated the same way (we were in for 3 days, are you home yet?), they said it was a reaction to the immunisation in the end :wall2:

A&E here were the same for me too, they made me get him out of his buggy and strip him down on the reception desk. They looked at me like I was another paranoid mother with another baby who had an unimportant, nothing-rash. They took one look and said 'errrr yeah, that is a bit meningitisy isn't it?' took him out of my arms and rushed him to resus!
Thanks inky. They didn't make us stay, just go back for the iv each night. See that's what I initially thought too! I thought the temp was from the immunisation. And the rash was coincidental. This is the fourth time he's had the meningitis rash. But just because they coincided I thought I better not risk it.
Its mad isn't it. Unless I knew it was def that rash I wouldn't have got him seen. I don't enjoy all these trips to a and e, I'd rather be at home!!! Lol
I know, it's not like you want to be in hospital again is it? :wall2:

it's good they didn't make you stay tho, I'm glad he's ok :) xxx
Thanks hun. I think I would have cried if they made him stay again lol x
Glad the little man is on the mend hun, such a worry :(
Thanks mamafy.
Feel so bad for all of you. I can't even estimate how many times I have posted on this board about his health. Sorry to bother u all with all this! And for posting back god knows how many times!
Just replied on your other immunisation thred - so please ignore it - sounds like the poor little man has really been through the wars (and his mum too!)

Hope he'll be on the mend very soon!

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