Fat Baby!!!.... Grrrrrrrr Vent!!!!

He is soooo lovely and not fat. She needs to butt out. I wouldnt let her see him if she cant say anything nice.
Just be straight with her and tell her thats not on. :shakehead:
Your LO is gorgeous he looks just like my friends little boy.

I would definately tell her she needs to stop as this could effect him later on in life. I liked the comments made about telling her she had let herself go but its due to her age! Would love to be a fly on the wall if you said that!

Claire x
he looks very healthy happy boy..

my son is nearly 5 week old and he weighs 10lb 8 onz lol.. he was a big birth weight his average weight gain is a onz a day... he doesnt fit in his 0 - 3 month size clothes.. he doesnt look fat but id rather him be fat and happy then thin and poorly,

your son looks cute and happy :hug:
OMG :shock:

Is she a woman or a monster! What a Troll! Want me to come over and give her what for :evil: !!!!!

He's beautiful hun :hug:

Kim x x x x
joj said:
He's not fat in the slightest, he looks perfectly healthy and happy.
I had the same problem with my MIL it drove me nutty, Jess is in the 98th centile for length and 91st for weight. She used to tell me I needed to cut down the amount of milk she was taking so she'd lose weight. Eventually I had enough and told her if she continued to say things like that she could forget about seeing Jess as I didn't want her to grow up with a complex about her weight. I'm sure she hates me now (think she did anyway though) but I don't have to listen to her comments anymore :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Good for you, luckily my kiddies have a awesome nanny that wouldnt dream if saying anything like that.

I think its disgusting for a woman with a lot of offspring to say that about a gorgeous cuddly bubba, its a mummys pride to have a baby with little rolls on aroms and legs - its a sign of fab nutrition and great health.

I seriously want to hurt your mils who say things like that. :evil:
:evil: I had this too from MIL when my LO was the same age as yours. I think it is because they go from being skinny little newborns :) but haven't started sitting/crawling/walking so just look bigger than they did before...if that makes sense!! She always said that she was fat, heavy etc etc and it really annoyed me. The funny thing is that now she is 15 months approx and she has weighed the same since she was 10 months old she still makes the same comments. I told her the other week that LO hadn't eaten all day so I thought she might be getting ill. Her reply was 'it's ok, you don't want her to get too fat!!!' So annoying and no he doesn't look fat.He is really cute :)
He is absolutely gorgeous and your MIL really needs to cut out those types of comments. I know firsthand how self-esteem can be wrecked by comments like that. She needs to stop before she makes those comments a habit, and she should understand that kids cotton on to insults a lot earlier than some adults think they do :evil: Good luck with the situation :hug:
What a bloody cow! Theo is not fat i the slightest.

Tell her to come and meet Rudy then she'll realsie what a fat baby really looks like (I'm his mother so I am allowed to say this!) He is now 1 stone 8lb!
How rude! :evil: :evil: :evil: That is so out of order for her to say that to you. Your LO is absolutely gorgeous. Pay no attention to her. Sounds like she has issues with weight to me :talkhand:

My LO is also tall and is only 2 months and some of his clothes are 6 - 9 months. Doesn't mean he is fat just that he is a tall, strong and healthy boy :D
:hug: :hug: Aww Thank you everyone.. and also :rotfl: some of your comment made me giggle! i have had a word with OH,you ladies egged me on, and he said he'll talk to her, its such a shame as she only does it when he is not around, so i feel like i am stiring things up, but i dont want anyone talking to Theo like that. Thank you ladies, you made me feel sooo much better, its nice that you can have a good old vent on here!
x x x

p.s - this is just the icing on the cake of the old battle axe, she really is MIL from hell!!!! :twisted:

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