Im still from appts


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I haven't messaged here for aaaaaaaaaaaaaages, been so frustrated with the waiting for absolutely nothing and trying to forget about things.

Saw the haematologist a month or so ago - she has recommended heparin injections and aspirin but they still aren't sure if its a problem or not :wall2:.

Saw the genetics counsellor on Tue this week (managed to get an earlier appt through hubby shouting about them losing our referral letter) and she said nothing that we didn't already know - the chromosome (pericentric inversion) is mostly likely causing the miscarriages, but everything is made worse and much more complicated by all the other things I have so it could be those too. We can potentially have normal children if my body can hold onto the baby long enough, but there is a small risk of disabilities etc from the inversion but then also still the risk of miscarriage, its a bit like a 1 in 3 scenario for each embryo we make. We don't think we want PGD - success rate is very low and as our chance of miscarrying is high its just not worth it. Plus, morally we're not sure where it sits with us and we'd have to keep going to London for treatment etc.

So...none the wiser really after that ridiculously long wait. Seeing fertility doc in few weeks who will no doubt tell us nothing also.....I'd like to try clomid again to see if I can pregnant. Its so bloody hard for me to get pg in the first place to then find that I have such a high risk of miscarriage if it ever does happen. Life is very unfair at times.

Other than that, things are ok. How is everyone? I've been reading bits and bats.

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Laura, good to hear from you. First off well done on all the waiting, I know that it's torture :-( I'm sorry you're no further forward, but at least it's some info you didn't have before. FX the fertility doc will have some sort of treatment for you to try, maybe clomid again like you say.

How's the acupuncture going? xxx
oops, called you laura, apologies! :blush:
That's ok, I've been called much worse hehe. I'm not doing acupuncture - you must have got me confused with someone else.... I'd like to, just daren't spend the money at the moment incase we need it for private healthcare at some point!! how are things going with you? xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry hun, so many girls I get all kerfuffled :eh: I'm okay thanks, playing the waiting game myself so nothing much to report. Just the same thing every month and hoping for a miracle :pray: yeah acupuncture is quite good I've been going for a couple of months and it had helped with my period pain (although pmt is still bad so taking agnus castus hoping that will help). It can be expensive, I got my first one on a groupon type voucher then the lady did me a deal for 4 sessions (with acupressure) for 100 quid. Apparently I'm almost ready to conceive according to my acu lady so we will see about that :roll:
Hiya Sarah :)

I think it's a good idea to be taking aspirin just because it doesn't hurt but could help.

I was under the impression that the success of PGD was actually quite good. Sure, you might get a lot of embryos that are affected - but the few that might not be would be good.

Have you thought of maybe using a surrogate? Maybe start asking a relative? xx
Hey Sarah, nice to see you back! Im just plodding along too without any ovulation at all! Ive had failed cycles of clomid and letrazole. Currently waiting for Obulation induction but wint get it till June. Last try of letrazole and FSH injections soon! L
Kay kay - good news that you are almost ready to conceive - how to they know that?! Will think about acupuncture, have had it before a while ago and it was good...!

Louise - I agree on the aspirin thing its just the heparin I don't fancy. The doc said PGD success rate isn't great and both us of don't really like the idea that much but I guess we'll never say never. Ironically, neither of us have a female relative who could be a surrogate - I like the idea of having a surrogate but hubby doesn't. Its the being in limbo thing that is the hardest, they're not saying it'll never happen but they're not saying that it will either. Hope you're ok, was gutted for you reading about your cycle 3 xx

Laura - sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it too. I think I have stopped ovulating now too since I had the one round of clomid.....altho having said that since my weight loss my cycles are near perfect which makes no sense!! what do they give you for ov induction??

Its nice to be back, I've felt quite alone while all my friends are popping out babies. You girls are the only ones who really get it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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