im soo stresssed


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
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k, so im in mysecond trimester of preg now!!!!!

i told my mum last night that im pregnant, i probably should mention im from a hindu family and my partner from a sikh family. im 22 and he 38.
my mum never agreed to us getting married and so we are cohabitating.
my mums reaction was u r going to have an abortion, i dont want that baby in the family...the day ur baby is born will be the day u see my dead body!

i told her there is no way im killing my baby, and she gonna have to accept it, but she sed gonna drap me home and makesure i have abortion, now im worried i dont my baby to cometo any harm.
i love my mum but the stress is getting to me.
and i had abdominal painall night,

i realli dont know what to do :wall2:

Oh my god Hun this is awful, I hope your ok? I have never understood the whole religion thing, and def not the age thing . I just think if you love someone and you want to be together that is enough! ( sorry no offence to anybody) it's definately not worth putting your baby at risk for!! I really don't know what
to suggest!! I hope you'll be ok !? X
I dont understand the whole religion thing either hun, sorry. Didnt want to read and run. I guess if your mum is so into her beliefs she wont change her mind? Or do you think she will come round to the idea? Dont know what to suggest to you, sorry. I hope you get it sorted and can enjoy your pregnancy xxxxxx
i was enjoying it until now... but its not realli the religion its more the age and what other people gonna say,where as i dont care what other people think as long as im happy, but ive been getting brown spotting too since last night and idnt wanna be thisstressed or worried.!!!!
my husband's parents are from bangladesh and muslim. they were everything not happy at all to find out about a white and catholic woman being pregnant from their son. but since our daughter is born they simply fell in love with her. everybody is just happy now. believe in what you feel for your unborn baby and your partner. time will heal everything..
My goodness, truely cannot imagine what you must be feeling right now. As if being pregnant isn't a mixed bag of emotions at the best of times! Only thing I can suggest is that it is your life and your baby's life and you need to do what is best for you. We tend to get wrapped up in other peoples (especially families) emotions and feelings, but when it comes down to it, we do (and should) live our own lives. Try and stay strong and stand by what you want and believe in deep down.x
HOW awful for you.

I know its her religion etc but that is harsh. could you move away and go it alone without her?? I dont know if thas an optin or just whati would do personally.

You dont need stress in this difficult enough time! Its you and the babies dad who matter. and once the baby comes along poeple will come around, and if they dont you all have each other xx
Poor you, i cannot imagine the stress this is putting you under. I am 29 myself and my partner is 50 a week after our 4th baby is due in July. Age really doesn't matter and i think once the babe is born your mum will fall in love - if not time is a great healer and when you are still together in 5 or more years time people will realise that they were wrong to judge all along.
If your mum continues with this course of acton i would avoid her for a while and tell her until she can be reasonable she will not have access to you or your babe - this is 2010 and we all have individual choices not those forced on us by our families.

Good Luck

my goodness that is a harsh thing for your mum to say. As the other girls have said I dont get the religious bit either, I really hope that your mum will come round, no matter who it is with, this baby will be her flesh and blood too and I'm sure she will love him/her when they are born.

She will probably feel awful about what she has said, but I suppose that people who are devoted to their religion have very firm views on things.

As for the age gap, if you love someone then age shouldn't be an issue.

I know its easier said than done but try to relax for yours and baby's sake, you are both the number one priority right now and the issues with the rest of your family have ages to get resolved.

I'm with the others on time being a great healer.
^^^^^thanks to u all for ur advice, its just soo just going to give her time, its nt like i hav to see her, as she live in london and i live in west midlands. so its a big relief. but just taking each day as it comes.....
Im so sorry your gonig threw this, and i think u shud be able to make your own decisions hun

Im sorry that this has happened; live your life the way you want to, not how others want you to and that includes relationships/marriage/sex/babies! Good luck, heres hoping that your mother sees the wrong in what she has said to you :hug:
Try not to let it spoil things or stress you out honey. xx
I am sure your mum will come round - i'm sure she loves you and will love her grandchild when the little on is here - just focus on keeping yourself and little one healthy and happy.
So sorry to hear you are being put in that position. I think when the time comes you will just need to pick your priority, which of course will be your gorgeous baby. She will wake up one day and see she had missed out. Stay strong! xx

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