I'm soo MAD


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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My MIL asked my DH last night if we've started our LO on soilds yet, he replied not yet! soo she started blaming me in an unobvious way to my DH so now he thinks I know nothing and his mum knows best! I hate it when she does that!!!!!
She said that she's started My DH when he was 4 months with cereal. and now my LO will be missing it! I was soo angry at my DH saying I AM HIS MOTHER AND I KNOW BEST!
My LO only started to have 8OZ 2 weeks ago. sometimes he doesn't even finish the bottle! so he doesn't seem to be wanting more and I know he's not ready yet!
I feel like sh*t really! I keep thinking to my self. maybe she's right! maybe I am supposed to start him on cereal! but I know he's not ready!!!!!

By the way- I had a dream last night that I was feeding my LO mashed banana's and he was LOVING it! :lol:
You will know yourself when LO is ready for solids hun, dont listen to anyone else :hug:
Thanx Julis. :hug: I know that i know best but honestly it drives me crazy when some one think they KNOW!
Snuggle said:
You will know yourself when LO is ready for solids hun, dont listen to anyone else :hug:
Exactly what I was just going to write!! :hug:
Ditto the above. No point rushing to wean just because. Wait for your LO to be ready :) The thing to remember is things change with each generation and how your MIL did things is not how you want to do things. So don't worry about her and ignore it all.

Also if baby is doing well on bottles for now and you want to do go the path of baby led weaning from around 6 months then wait till then if LO is happy. We are doing BLW and LO is loving the finger foods and chewing well.
Thanx Sherlock,
I guess I am being a bit sensetive when it comes to people advicing me on what to do for my LO.especially my MIL who I know doesn't like me!
He's doing fine with milk at the moment. I'll wait and see next month.
Screw your MIL and ask your DH if he thinks his mother knows better than the World Health Organisation. World-wide recommendations now are milk-only for the first 6 months (obviously some babies are ready earlier) it is suspected that there are so many food allergies now because babies have been started on solids too early and their bodies have reacted to them. Perhaps if MIL brings it up again tell her that and ask her if she wants you to risk the health of her grandchild - that should shut her up. Sorry, I'm just :evil: :evil: because I've been dealing with the same thing.
Hi Isab. I am more :evil: than u LOL. The problem is she doesn't bring up the subject to me. it's only when DH goes to visit. and that makes me even moore :evil: coz then my DH will think I am not a good mother and his knows best! the problem is he was a bit convinced him self saying (my mom told me we all went on cereal when we are 4 months and we are all fine)!! ok I understand but I don't want to risk it with my child!
any way I am calmer today and will stick to what I want!
Fooking interfering bint :x

He will let you know when he wants something, ie snatch it off your plate and stuff it into his mouth :lol:

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