Im so fed up


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I appologise if this gets a little long just really need to vent.

My mother I love her but she is starting to drive me around the twist I am so close to telling her to go away and leave me alone till she can be happy for me.

1st she only seemed happy about my pregnancy when we thought we were losing the baby.

Then she slags my fella off saying (right in front of him) that he will leave because he is too immature to be a dad and all he cares about is his drinking. I do admit he does like a few drinks but what 22 year old man doesnt.

The other day she told me that if I cant look after my children then I shouldnt have them. All because Leah went and stayed at my fellas mums. I didnt ask my fellas mum to have her she asked me.

Now I asked my fellas mum to come to the scan next week because its her granchild too and my mum said she isnt going incase she kicks off with my fellas mum for trying to buy her way into the family. Yeah she spoils leah rotton but again i dont ask her to.

My mum said she is fed up with everyone rubbing what marks mum buys in her face. No body does that. Marks mum has worked hard to get to where she is and her husband. So why should my mum resent her because she has money and buys leah presents.

My fellas mum has been more of a mum to me in the last few weeks than she has. She has leah over night sometimes to give me a rest and drys some of my cloths because I dont have a dryer. My mum said to me she would do washing for me. I gave her the wet cloths she brought them back half dry so now i have no where to put them to dry i have to wash them again because the smell

AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH is it just me or is my mum just a bit jelouse.
Mothers can be a right pain in the ass sometimes can't they?

My mum, who was great and supportive through my first pregnancy when I was with my husband and was there for the birth, was really unsupportive when I got pregnant by my new partner. She said she didn't want to be there for the birth if HE was going to be there! I was really upset about this but figured it was her choice and that at the end of the day if she didn't want to be there, it was her loss. My OH's mum was being really supportive and came to all the early scans with me whilst my mum point blank refused!

As it happens she was right about my new partner being a total idiot and when we split she has gone back to being supportive mum and says she will be there for the birth! I think maybe she was a little jealous that my OH's mum was so helpful and she probably felt her nose had been pushed out a little.

So I kinda know how you're feeling :hug:

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