Im so angry!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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...about chicken.

Well Im furious at my OH and I know its petty so Im trying not so show that I am furious, thought Id rant on here, hormones, be calm!

He said last night that he'd defrost some chicken for tonights dinner, so after work I went to buy some potatoes thought we could have chicken mashed pots, veg n gravy, nice winter grub.

Well, I went to get dinner ready and theres only one chicken breast been defrosted. When I asked him he said "I didnt know you wanted chicken too"


No, its alright darling, Ill cook you dinner and watch you eat it and then eat toast shall I?!?!


I feel like I spend so much time and effort thinking about what he likes and needs etc and he's a fussy eater, and he only has to get some chicken out and all he thinks about is himself, there arent exactly a lot of people for dinner, we are 2. And he just got one out. Im so angry Ive put the potatoes on and Im gonna leave em and eat toast. serve him right.
Oh no! Lets hope he learns from this! Poor you - I just had some apple and cheese and it was delicious :)
:rotfl: i know i shouldnt laught but what a bimbo!! i would ahve ate the chicken and give him toast!!
Good plan, didnt think of that! Think maybe Ill have something more delicious than toast, kindof too lazy and cold to bother cooking for an ungrateful wretch, apparently he has a plan for how he would like his chicken, wants BBQ sauce and cheesemelted on top under the grill. Told him he'd better hurry up then or the potatoes will be cold before he's cooked it. Still on X Box, Im looking murderously at his back.

omg this post has me in stitches!!! its like a carry on film lol!!! i would be the same tho :) cook yourself the chicken bbq with cheese melted on top and carry it into the lounge with nice potatoes and bundles of gravy and eat it in frount of him when he asks where his is tell him its on the kitchen side go and get it and let it be mash gravy veg and cheese and bbq on toast x x x
Have you got a good pizza delivery near you? I would order myself a nice big juicy pizza and eat it in front of him :)
ps. let him cook his own chicken mind!
oooh pizza! its 2 for 1 at dominoes tonight as well!
stuff that!! get one for yourself lol when they ask if you want a free one just say nar! :rotfl:
I let the pots boil too much and the whole kitchen is coated in potatoe juice from ceiling to floor. Sigh. I think I might go to bed, this evening needs to be over quickly!
What did you have for tea? Dominoes pizza sounded very appealing to me hun x
Oh Tiny men are so thick sometimes - it sounds as if he really didn't think past his own stomach. Best get him in training quick before your bubba arrives - I gave up trying to train mine about 5 years ago not worth the nagging lol regret it now.

Hope you are feeling calm on the inside whilst staring at him crossly!
hahaha this is sooooo funny, and FAR too familiar! lol. Love it. I would have been in such a strop with him. xx
Ah girls, good to hear Im not alone, feeling better this morning. I didnt go to bed in the end, he offered to make me beans to go with the mash. I started getting MS so said I didnt want anything. He gave me a bowl of potatoes and no sooner was it past mylips than I was hugging the toilet. Then I had the biggest hysterical cry because I was hungry. He came up and gave me a hug and then left again and I thought, what a ******* cant even hang around while im being sick. When I went downstairs he was preparing a small portion of everything in the cupboard, he was finishing off cutting up a range of fruit when I found him. ahhhhhh. He said I could just nibble at whatever I fancied. s'pose men arent so bad!
:lol: You gotta love a pg womans hormones :rofl:
angry...tired...sick....dispair....sick...tired...loved up...sick...tired....bed. What a wonderful evening!
You forgot Hormonal :oooo:

I am so going to get my ass kicked by a pregnant lady :rofl:

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