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i'm scared


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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since i've hit the 30 week mark and knowing baby hasn't got too long left inside me now everytime i think about labour i start to panic. i did plan the pregnancy and he is wanted very much and already loved loads but i guess when i was trying i didn't really believe i could get pregnant but when i did i was so happy and didn't think twice about keeping him. back then i thought well i don't have to think about labour for months and months but now its approaching i am scared sh*tless to the point where i feel really really :puke:

there isn't even one thing that is scaring me in particular its just the whole thing and the thought of it all. having a heart problem and all these hospital appointments doesn't help i suppose. i have another appointment at the hospital tomorrow and no doubt they will scare me and i'm so worried i'll have a panic attack and start crying uncontrolably or something. omg i don't know what to do. i can feel myself starting to panic as i'm writeing this post as i'm thinking about labour again. i just don't know what i'm going to do. i am really good at handling things normally and i do know once i am at that stage i will just get on with it and get through it the best i can but its these weeks leading to it and thinking about it i just can't handle it :cry:
Take a deep breath and let it our slowly then except my hug :hug:
Its natural to worry im nearly there and i can tell you im almost pooping my panties :oops: :lol: thinking about giving birth so your not alone sweetie :hug:
I am sure you will be fantastic during birth and as i keep telling myself the pain is all worth it as we finaly have our wonderful little cutties with us and in our arms :cheer: . So many of the girls who have gone gefore us have said it hurt like hell at the time but once i had my baby in my arms the pain dissapeared and i couldnt remember clearly how much it hurt later.

Try some relaxing techniques to calm your breathing,breathing excercises and i find playing my fave music both upbeat and soothing put me in a calmer happier frame of mind
so play music on the way to the hospital

Not sure what else to suggest just remember your not alone in this
Pm me if you want to chat

sarah :hug: :wave:
like sarah said its normal to be scared

you probably wont believe me now, i didnt believe peeps when they said this to me but when you get nearer the time you will just want baby and you will look forward to labour in a strange way
im feeling the same as you hun. just think of people hundreds of years ago who had to do it and they did it! no medication or anything.

im keeping my options open pain relief wisem, i was at one point anti epidural! not anymore. my idea of labour is that it will be hectic and stressfull but i think from reading other girls birth stories its quite controlled and your informed of whats going on all the way.

:hug: :hug:
:hug: I was scared too. my family history of labour is enough to put anyone off and I was sure I was going to have an horrendous 4 day labour!

It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be and the midwives at the hospital made it an experience I could look back on and be happy about.

Try reading some of the birth stories in birth announcements- there's been some great stories recently! :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I agree with BeckyJ the closer you get the more you look forward to it happening cos it means you get to meet your baby!! :D
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

honestly I felt the same before birth but I can honestly say it was fantastic and Id do it again in a second! At the time you wont be scared, your body will just do its thing and if you relax and go with it and trust yourself you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww :hug: :hug: :hug:
What you are going through is entirely normal!! It is ok to be apprehensive about the unknown.

I am with Tilly though - I was scared, but my birth was absolutely fantastic (and I had lots of interventions) and I would do it 100 times over - seriously! I think it helps if the staff know you suffer from anxiety/panic attacks. I used to and was receiving treatment during pregnancy for it. The staff were very very reassuring. I only got a little stressed just when I got tired after a long time pushing; but they turned up my epidural and reassured me and I never felt any pain at all.

You will be brilliant honey!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I went through it nearly 6 years ago. I remember it hurt..But the memory of just how much seems to have faded somewhat.

This happened notlong after having him!

Once labour starts, any fear dies and your a gripped by a type of excitement. Like 'wow, I am finally here. Soon, I will meet my baby'

From there on in its a battle, but a worthwhile one. I am sure, as ou think yourself, that when the time comes you will just do it. It is such a natural process really. God wouldnt give us women a challenge we could never win! And you will feel so proud of yourself when you look down at your little bundle :hug:
thankyou all so much for your wonderful replies they have all helped me so much :hug: :hug:

i may be panicing more as my mum and dad are away the time i am due and my bf has been very none supportive throughout my pregnancy and i am scared of being alone through it all but i have a good friend i can call upon if my mum and dad are away to keep me sane until my mum and dad can get back as they will only be 200 miles away. with my bf being the way he is and i have no pregnant friends so there isn't really anyone i can talk to so i do feel very alone at times but thank goodness for this forum :cheer: if it wasn't for all you lovely girls on here i think i really would have lost it by now.

i got the all clear from the hospital today after having to wait 2 hours :x as my pregnancy is going so well they see no need to keep seeing me so thats good news :cheer:

my mum has always said too that its a pain that you can't really remember afterwards.

i know in a few weeks i'll be so big and fed up i'll want to be in labour just to get him out and meet him and i will be so proud and put to use all the baby things i have here for him and introuduce him to all the family. i'll just have to try harder to focus on the good things and not get so worked up about the bad things so heres to more positive thinking and relaxing.
I'm on my second and scared :lol:I think because I had a c section last time and this time I am going for a natural I am like a first time mum all over again. I had contractions but never gave birth vaginally so the thought scares me to death but I do know once I hit about week 37 I'll be so heavy and fed up I'll do anything to get her out :lol:

Once labour kicks in though you really don't care what happens just as long as it happens asap :lol:

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