I'm Sad :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Hi ladies,

I don't think that I am ovulating and was wondering if you can help? I am on CD14 of a 28 day cycle and have been doing opks since CD10 (came off the pill 3 months ago so didn't want to miss it) and they have all been negative so far.

Is it possible on a 28 cycle to ovulate on day 15, 16, or 17 and still have a long enough luteal phase to get a sticky? I'm so sad as I was hoping this would be our month :(

thank you xx
my cycle is about 28 dys too. FF has given me an estimate to OV between CD 10-14 so i guess you can OV late on.

i too am using OPK at the mo and have done since CD 9 but up to now nothing. im not worrying tho, even if i dont get a positive i am still BDing every day so i know i have a chance! :D

dont be sad hun... as long as you are BDing your sticky will come!
thanks for your reply lily, I'm just worried as time is getting on and there is nothing on those damn sticks (well only v faint 2nd line)! And also it detects it 18-36 hours before you Ov so if I get a + tomorrow then I won't ovulate until at least CD16 if not later - giving me a 12 day luteal phase, and I didn't think this was long enough to get a sticky?

We are also bding a LOT anyways just incase I have missed it. what will you do if by CD15 you still have not had a +?

Are your cycles always 28 days?
Maybe they haven't settled down yet from being on the pill?
I did opk's and the cycle I got my BFP I didn't ov until day 18 - I also had a couple of cycles where i didn't ov at all.
Are you charting yor temperature as well? It's useful to do the 2 together
fanks :oops:

My three cycles off the pill have all been 28 days so far. I thought I got a + on CD19 last cycle but this would mean only a few days luteal phase and therefore not long enough to maintain pregnancy. Is that right?

Sorry to go on, just so desperate now to have a good go at it for an Xmas BFP (as I know we all are)

xxKateBxx said:
We are also bding a LOT anyways just incase I have missed it. what will you do if by CD15 you still have not had a +?

to be honest its the first time i have use OPK and all its done is made me more obsessed! im only using them because my friend gave me 20. i dont want to worry more at a time when i am meant to be just enjoying making babies.

i dont know what i would do if i didnt get a + just plod on and see what happens i suppose.

try not to worry hun. just go with you CM and BD loads... and dont forget to enjoy this special time together!

Lily, you are so right, I wish I was as level-headed as you! But instead I'm all neurotic! :lol:

Going to see what the next couple of days bring. suppose i could always go for a 21 day bloods to see if I am or not? does anyone know if they do that even if you've only been trying a few months?

Hi Kate :hug:
Theres been loads of ladies on here that never got positive opk tests hun and got bfp, so dont worry. Some ladies are lucky and get a positive result over 2 days and longer. Some test twice a day and get a positive on one and not the other and it's gone. You might of just missed it! So enjoy yourself, get bding and like all of us, keep those fingers crossed ok, but dont get sad :shakehead: you can always PM me hun if you want a chat ok :hug:
I have no useful advice I'm afraid as I have never used an opk but wanted to wish you luck and let you know that as long as you are bd a lot then your chances are high :cheer:

Hope you get your BFP soon

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