Im really worried!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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Hi all i have got my 12 week scan on wednesday but im feeling really really nervous and worried about it. i had a missed miscarriage a few years ago that wasnt identified until my 12 week scan and then i had my daughter and had early scans and regular midwife checks. But because it has been a few years i havent even seen my midwife this time except to ring for my scan and im worried its going to be like last time. is it normal to feel this way, im tryin to stay positive but its really hard. i have bought a doppler but cant hear heartbeat yet but i didnt expect to as it says only from 12 weeks but bought it to try stay positive. i want to buy some baby clothes but really worried im just setting myself up for disappointment. sorry for long post but really worried! xxxxxxx
hi hun. what your feeling is completely normal. they should have given you some early scans.

babys heartbeat can be hard to find. it took my mw a few mins at my 16wk apptment. baby is usually far down at this stage. try pointing the doppler down abit more.

good luck.
Thanks hun, i will try! i think i can hear little movements but dont want to get my hopes up too much just in case its something else. i can also hear the placenta working so i think that is a good sign!? thankyou for replyin hun. xxxxx
Its normal to worry hun :hug:

Enjoy your scan and dont forget to put piccie on here when you get back :hug: :hug:
We are 12 weeks now and we use the doppler and have done since 8 weeks and it can be very hard to try and find the heartbeat, we found best just above the pubic bone but pointing down and then rotate it to the left and right slowly without taking the doppler off your skin, it takes a while but we have managed to each time, im sure everything is fine, just they have so much room to hide at this stage :D

Good luck with your scan on wednesday i too have me 12 week scan on wednesday too :cheer:
good luck with your scan. It s normal to worry don't forget to post us a pic!!

Thankyou all! i wil try that with the doppler, i may have ben doing it too high up! thanks for all your support and i will keep u updated. good luck for all those havin scans soon as well!! xxxxxx
No problem have to let us know if you manage to hear it, we did last night and again took a fair while to find it and baby was hiding and when we found it the monkey moved away again...bless

Look forward to seeing your scan pic on wednesday and will post mine up too :D x
hi i think i heard baby's heartbeat last night, it sounded softer and quieter than mine but it was very fast! i dont want to get too excited incase im wrong but i definately think i heard it!! scan is tomorrow so all will be revealed then, hopefully will b able put a pick on tomorrow if i can suss it out!! xxxxxxxxxx
Wow those doppler things sound good. Where did you get yours??

I hope all goes well tomorrow, you'll be fine and will have a great time seeing your little baby.

Have fun, enjoy it and tell us everything.

I'm not going to be able to get a scan untill about 12 weeks so am making do by enjoying all the stories on here about othe peoples scans!!

Take care and relax - you'll be fine xx
My doppler is an angelsounds one and i bought if from ebay for £25 altogether and they work from 12 weeks. it is really good you can hear baby movin and heartbeat and also placenta working. i found a site that gives you examples of what to look out for and i have been tryin for a week to hear heartbeat and finally found it last night!! i would recommend gettin one tho especially this cheap from ebay as they are normally about £70 to hear heartbeat at 12 weeks. it has really put my mind at rest tho. xxxx
kimheath said:
hi i think i heard baby's heartbeat last night, it sounded softer and quieter than mine but it was very fast! i dont want to get too excited incase im wrong but i definately think i heard it!! scan is tomorrow so all will be revealed then, hopefully will b able put a pick on tomorrow if i can suss it out!! xxxxxxxxxx

:D :D Yay .... :cheer:

That sure sounds like your baby, very fast bet you are well pleased....

My doppler is one like the midwife uses i also go mine from ebay i think i paid about £40 for it 2nd hand but the lady before hardly used it as it came with 4 full bottles of gel, we herd our little one from 9 weeks with the kind we use and we listern every weekend :D

So glad yopu found it and you can now relax a little and enjoy seeing your little one tomorrow i know i will x
Hi Kim

Hope your scan went well today. I've got my scan at 9.30am tomorrow and I'm feeling really worried too. :pray:

Please let us all know how it went. If mines is OK I'll post my scan pic up. Did you see Jools/Snuggle - it looks great. I can't wait till I see mine.

As soon as I know everything is OK I'm going to SHOP SHOP SHOP.

cheers Julie :)

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