Im really scared of having baby to early


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I'm so upset and so stressed out by our housing and its making things worse because I'm really scared that I'm going to end up having Pip far too soon. I have tried looking up things online but I'm not sure how relevant they are. I'm very small. I have had 2 urine infections since I found out I was pregnant I have so far not gained any weight and lost alot during the 2 infections that I have had. I'm trying not to get to upset but I'm so scared of the housing thing.

I want Pip to be all healthy but I think that I get so upset about things it could harm her and I don't want that and then it upsets me even more :(
aww hun, please try not to worry. Babies are more tolerant to these sorts of things than people give them credit for. I am also very small, (5ft) and have also not gained any weight and was also quite stressed trying to find a house but when i saw the consultant at the hospital they were happy with how everything was going and didn't seem to think there would be any problems at birth so i'm sure it will be the same for you. try getting onto the council and see if they can help with the housing situation or even citizens advice. Also talk to your mw about how you are feeling, you might feel better for talking to her about it and she can reassure you.
Hope this has been some help. sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry about baby coming early sweetheart :hug: I know tis hard with everything else you got going on but like laura said.. our little ones are very resilient and even if pip did come earlier than is expected then chances are would be absolutely fine. If you ever wanna talk about premmie babies then just give us a shout on PM - my son was 6 weeks early so i know a little bit about how resilient little babies are ;) :hug: big hugs n try not to worry too much xxxxx
I know its hard but try not to worry as this often makes
things seem harder to deal with i was in a similar situation
at the end of last year our landlord kicked us out coz he wanted
to sell up found out he was selling the flat a week after we found out
i was pregnant then are actual eviction date was my 21st birhday
we had no other choice but to go into a homeless hostel was in there
for 2 monthes we now have a 2 bed house which is a step up from the flat we had lol please dont worry i spent many monthes worrying about where
me and OH woulld live with baby and lost a lot of weight felt very down
worrying is not good for you chin up it will all work out for you
hEY sweetpea don't you worry now, baby nicks everything it needs from you, Its more likely you will have baby late then early, although I know what you mean we constantly worry about these little tykes its ok I think its natural cause we're practising to be mummys!!

I thought that as soon as i reached 24 weeks i'd stop worrying about every pain, it doesnt happen!!
I still worry now if i get little pains, and was concerned earlier that she was over active!!
Everyones worries and its healthy, you've just got to tell yourself you're young, fit and healthy, you've had your scan and you know baby is healthy. Stress isnt fun, but it shouldnt harm baby.

Easier said then done but you need to try and convince yourself baby will be fine
Ah hun, try not to get yourself worried. everything will fall into place- you'll see. :hug:
I think this is just another one of those worries that we all have at some point and is completely natural- but even if pip did come earlier than expcted the hospitals can do miracles these days.
I'm sure you are going to pop any day now and then won't be worried about baby being small cos you'll be wobbling along like the rest of us!
Awww :hug: :hug: Don't you worry nicki, little pip will come along when she's ready and first babies are more often than not late :hug: It is natural to worry but I'm sure it'll be fine :D
Aww babe, please try not to panic too much :hug: There is nothing about you or your little girl that makes you any higher risk than the next person to go into labour early!

When you're worried about one thing, you tend to find yourself worrying about a whole lot of other stuff that really, is unnecessary. :hug: You'll be fine I'm sure, and so will your lickle girly!

(I bet she's heard you - she'll play games with you and arrives 13 days late or something!!)
:) Yeh I think she will go prove me wrong completely hehe. Il be complaining when I'm 40+ weeks! Made me feel better I went and had a shower and when I came back OH said there was a surprise and he had brought a big bundle of girls clothes of ebay for £15 including delivery. They are second hand and its all stuff from next and mothercare and stuff they are gorgeous I loves him :)

I'm just fed up of being so unsure about where we are going to be when Pip arrives and nobody at the council seems to want to help they just keep putting it off and someone who was meant to be helping us has quietly buggered off on holiday with out doing any of the things she said she was going to do 2weeks ago....infact 2months ago of some of it. She knows that by the time shes back we will either be homeless or of had to go through everything we went through with her with someone else so it wont be her problem any more. Grrr. I guess we just have to wait and see.
Keep bugging the council, every single day if you have to and hopefully they will get so fed up they will give up and help you. If worse comes to worse, have you got any family you could stay with for a while until you sort yourselfs out? :hug:
My familly live in Somerset and wouldnt have enough room or money to home us and my OHs familly are In Ireland.

We are phoning them everyday and crossing our fingers but they seem so hopeless Im not a angry person but when Im fired up I tend to go for it! But we have both kept so calm and tried not to pee them off as we know it wont do us any good. But I'm starting to wonder if that is the only way we are likely to get homed. Or at least get a few answers as to why we have been told they will help us pay for where we live now but are now saying they wont.
Babe, also try Housing Associations.

We have one local to us called Aragon Housing Association and they offer mainly brand new homes. They aren't the council, but they are similar in making sure people aren't homeless etc.

Always remember this -> *The government will NOT see you homeless*

Did you know that the council will also pay your rent if your rent is a certain bracket? Have you been to CAB? They told me that I could either go to the council, go to Aragon or contact the council about paying my rent if I find a property to rent myself that I like.

Hope it works out for you, your OH and Twinkie (that's what I shall call her from now on, as you won't tell us her name!!! NUURRRR :shakehead: )

Dannii is right hun, the goverment will not see you homeless and i'm sure your family won't either.
if you need someone to talk to feel free to send me a pm because i have been in a similar situation up until 2 weeks ago when we moved. I know how stressful it is and it can be a very scary time but i'm sure everything will work out for you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
LOL i replied to the name thread although Twinkie is quiet cute! So might go delete it now haha!

Okay get ready for it..........

The problem we have is that we paid 6months rent in advance (believe it or not me and OH was quite well off last year!!!) and the only way we had to get a house in England with out us having jobs (because we were moving here from Ireland) was to pay upfront. We didn't realize that we were able to claim it back so only went and asked for it in feb....they have payed the last 3months worth of rent back to us and as I have just started working and stuff all the money we have received has gone on paying off our bills and stuff. They have our account history so they can see this is where the money we have received has gone.

It would all be fine but the housing benefit has been changed now so that you only receive enough for what they think you and who ever else is in your familly need for a house in the area there fore when it gets to the 19th of may which is when our tenancy is up we will only be able to get money towards a 1bed flat. BUT in September we will be able to claim for a 2bed because of Pip so now there is a 4month shortfall so for the next 4months we cant afford to live here but soon as Pip is born then we will. Well the Housing association has tried to get us discretionary payments to pay the rent that we cant afforded so that we can stay here till Pips born then we will get it any way because we will be entitled to it.

We called them to day and now the lady who was meant to be helping us has gone on holiday. She was supposed to of sent a letter to our landlord confirming that we would get the money for the place. We were also meant to of got a letter ourselfs confirming this. I have phoned her on monday and we were told we are definatly getting the discresionary payments and she also told Anthony this as well. Well when we called today because nobody has recived a letter shes gone on holiday and the guy that was there has now told us that the money that we have recived over the last 3months is enough to keep us till sept but obviously that has gone on the bills because we had payed upfront.

So really they are telling us that because we paid our own rent when we first moved in the money that we were entitled to claim back for the rent is now got to be used for the next few months because they wont provide a short fall. If they had told us we needed to save it because they were changing the rules we would of.....but they didn't soooo we have used it to pay the nessasary bills and now we are getting told "oh well your just have to find somewhere to live for 4months then find another place when your child is born because they haven't enough houses to go around" and because in the notice our land lord served he also said that if we could afford to stay he would be willing for us to stay they now say yes they can because we should have that money they paid us soooo if we leave because we cant afford it then we are making ourselves volentaraly homeless!
goodness that all sounds so complicated! i'm not really sure what to suggest as this situation is a bit different from what ours was (sorry that isn't any help is it? lol :oops: )
i think if that was me i would go to citizens advice as they can help work things out financially as well as evrything else.
I'm sorry hun i'm really no help! :oops:
How nice of them to bugger off on holiday when you really need their help (and i say that sarcastically)

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