im really scared now....


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi ladies. im now 8 days overdue and while i dont mind still being preggers as shes obviously quite comfy in there :D the thought of induction terrifies me!! :( i had my first at 36 weeks so ive never experienced it before and im so scared of what its going to be like and there seems to be alot of horror stories of the pain being alot worse than going into labour naturally, is this true?? if nothing happens before hand i will be induced on thurs 25th (cant see it happening, no signs or niggles!) has anyone got any positive induction stories to make me feel a bit better? any thoughts appreciated. thanks everyone xx
:wave: try not to worry yourself, everyone will tell you good and bad experiences of induction, everyone is different. I had to be induced with my 2nd as i was 10 days over and a sweep hadnt worked. I had a pessery (paracetamol looking tablet thats placed on cervix to help ripen it) at dinner time and ryan was here at 5:10pm. My contractions were worse when i was induced than my 1st labour as they came out of know where and i didnt have time to get used to them. My midwife didnt think i was in labour as it was happening so fast! She gave me 2 paracetamol for pain relief :roll: My waters broke at 4:40 and i was still on the antenatal ward. He was born 30 mins later 10lb 7.5oz!! :shock: They didnt even get me onto delivery suite. So if it does happen quick for you, put your foot down and demand pain relief lol good luck xxx
I was not induced, but i didn't have any niggles either. I was 10 days over and it just happened. There's still hope for you yet!
Try not to panic though. I was a day away and dreaded the thought. I just looked at it as the obsticle before a beautiful baby!
I've been induced 3 times. All they did the last time was break my waters and I started on my own after that, so it felt very natural :)

Has your MW offered you a sweep? Talk to her about your concerns, maybe she will give you a couple and you can go on your own.
I was induced at 38 + 6 and it went fine. I only needed one pessary at 9.30am and they were able to break my waters at 3.30pm, had baby by 6.30pm! :) I've only had one baby so I can't compare to a natural labour, but at no point did I think I couldn't cope with the pain, and managed on gas and air. The contractions did come on very quickly after they put in the drip, so if you are planning on an epidural it would probably be best to let them know sooner rather than later just in case your labour progresses quickly (I asked for pethidine too late and had to do without). The only thing I didn't like was having the monitor on constantly once I'd been taken to the delivery room and the drip in my hand meant I had to labour in one position and couldn't try squatting or kneeling, but they are fairly minor things seeing as it all went well.
Hope you go into labour soon!
Urchin said:
I've been induced 3 times. All they did the last time was break my waters and I started on my own after that, so it felt very natural :)

Has your MW offered you a sweep? Talk to her about your concerns, maybe she will give you a couple and you can go on your own.

im going for a sweep at the maternity unit on tuesday morning so with any luck that will kick things off for me, just wanted to find out as much info as possible incase it dosnt work and i do have to be induced on thurs xx
In my 3 labours, I really honestly found relaxation is the key, I also heard being induced hurt more, but as I have always been induced it's hard for me to judge. Don't panic, at the end of it you get a cute little baby to take home so its all worth it in the end and you forget the pain :)

In the mean time, spend some time walking around and on all fours to get the baby into a good position, that will make things easier whether you are induced or not :) Good luck.
Urchin said:
Don't panic, at the end of it you get a cute little baby to take home so its all worth it in the end and you forget the pain :).

I completly agree, ok so i didnt have the best of labours but I actually miss my labour day/birthday as i got to meet him, you'll know EXACTLY what i mean when you have LO.

Just stay open minded and don't be afraid it still ends up the best day of your life :cheer: :hug:
I had an induction with my first had one pessary at 9.30 am and needed nothing else he came into th eworld a respectful 4 hours later :D

Yes it was painful (what labour isnt??) but it was quick and I would much rather have intense pain for fewer hours than a marathon pain session!!

I actually fear the opposite to you and doing it natural as I have nothing to compair this to its just fear of the unknown but you have had a LO before so you know its all worth it eventually :wink:
Steelgoddess said:
Urchin said:
Don't panic, at the end of it you get a cute little baby to take home so its all worth it in the end and you forget the pain :).

I completly agree, ok so i didnt have the best of labours but I actually miss my labour day/birthday as i got to meet him, you'll know EXACTLY what i mean when you have LO.

Just stay open minded and don't be afraid it still ends up the best day of your life :cheer: :hug:

I completely agree too!

I was given two pessaries in the end, and it all started slowly and built up. The contractions for me were fine, I ended up having a back to back labour which is a totally different story but the induction itself was fine. You will be fine! You have the experience of the first one to fall back on, I know I'd go through it all again for a LO (though didn't feel like it today with the day I've had today!!!) :hug:
I didn't have any niggles or signs of labour at all and I had my induction booked when I was 41+4... but I went into labour and had Ava the day before my induction! So you never know.

It's only natural to be scared about the pain but I found my labour wasn't as bad as I had been worrying about and when I had my epidural there was no pain at all!

Dont worry i was induced at 38+6 as i had pre-eclampsia, I had a pessary applied in the morning then in the afternoon they broke my waters and i went into labour about 5 minutes later. the contracts were strong right from the begining but just think the worst the contraction the more its doing to help you dilate. thats how i saw it. I felt a wimp asking for pain relief after being in labour for about 20 minutes but i dont care, gas and air did wonders for me and i felt so relaxed. Hope everything goes well :D x
I would say you cant really go on other people stories as its just like a normal birth, ie its different for everyone.
I have been induced and gone into labout naturaly and i would say there isnt alot of difference, the quickest was with one of my daughters who i was induced with and it took about 3 hours from insertion of the pessary to delivery with the actual birth being under a minute, she flew out but i will say it was the most painfull of al of them.
I found all the births so far fairly positive experiences.
Try not to worry to much and just make sure there is plenty of gas and air about :wink:
With my third labour I was induced. One pessary about 1pm and he was born at 4.30pm. I have to say it was so intense and felt unnatural that I refused to be induced again with my fourth baby. I used evening primrose oil capsules up my twinkle which got me going at ten days over. You can say no! The placenta stills works fine until at least three weeks over.

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