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im really peed off


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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grrrr my oh sister and her wife are really doing my head in atm. there jealous atm coz im pregnant and theyve been trying for about 6 month. i know its hard for them the way they do it but im sorry if i offend any but it makes me sick that there going round asking mine and oh friends his workmates to help them how embarresing is that for oh to work with them i cant belive it. then they send me a message asking if oh can help her wife who isnt realated only by marrige and that is coming from his sister then they ask me to be surrogate. for one that would be horrible his sister asking her brother to help with sperm donation to help her wife. i couldnt have a baby for someone else as i feel that maternal instinct would kick in. my poor riend didnt know where to put themselfs im surprised there talking to us. my oh thinks it disgusting that there just asking anyone weather it friends to complete strangers he cant understand why they cant do it the right way or go thru the correct proceeding he not against lesbian couples having kids but they keep going on about how desprate they are to have one it make him think are they safe to be left alone with amy and the new baby when it comes i dont mean to offend anyone and sorry if i have in advance i dont mean to i know it is a touchy subject theres people on here who deserve to have kids and i know how hard it is for all of you and understand it to. but these to are wanting a baby for all the wrong reasons firstly they steal from family members weather its money to mobile phones. none of them work they dont look after themselves they dont have electric on and they dont by food in the money they do get they waste on gambling eating out going away giving it to strangers for a sperm donations they dont really have money they get money to last them 2 weeks and its gone with in an hour then they steal from there gran who is about 90 odd and is really nice and kind they rip me off with money all the tym theyve even stolen from amy too weather its money to a teddy so they can sell im so annoyed right now to the point i dunno if i trust them either oh dad has hit the roof and his mu isnt well at this point and doesnt need all this on top of what they have to deal with what do i do ? sorry about the rant too probs in the wrong place.
grrrr my oh sister and her wife are really doing my head in atm. there jealous atm coz im pregnant and theyve been trying for about 6 month. i know its hard for them the way they do it but im sorry if i offend any but it makes me sick that there going round asking mine and oh friends his workmates to help them how embarresing is that for oh to work with them i cant belive it. then they send me a message asking if oh can help her wife who isnt realated only by marrige and that is coming from his sister then they ask me to be surrogate. for one that would be horrible his sister asking her brother to help with sperm donation to help her wife. i couldnt have a baby for someone else as i feel that maternal instinct would kick in. my poor riend didnt know where to put themselfs im surprised there talking to us. my oh thinks it disgusting that there just asking anyone weather it friends to complete strangers he cant understand why they cant do it the right way or go thru the correct proceeding he not against lesbian couples having kids but they keep going on about how desprate they are to have one it make him think are they safe to be left alone with amy and the new baby when it comes i dont mean to offend anyone and sorry if i have in advance i dont mean to i know it is a touchy subject theres people on here who deserve to have kids and i know how hard it is for all of you and understand it to. but these to are wanting a baby for all the wrong reasons firstly they steal from family members weather its money to mobile phones. none of them work they dont look after themselves they dont have electric on and they dont by food in the money they do get they waste on gambling eating out going away giving it to strangers for a sperm donations they dont really have money they get money to last them 2 weeks and its gone with in an hour then they steal from there gran who is about 90 odd and is really nice and kind they rip me off with money all the tym theyve even stolen from amy too weather its money to a teddy so they can sell im so annoyed right now to the point i dunno if i trust them either oh dad has hit the roof and his mu isnt well at this point and doesnt need all this on top of what they have to deal with what do i do ? sorry about the rant too probs in the wrong place.

Well I'm gay and got pregnant through sperm donation and you haven't offended me so dont worry :friends: I shouldn't really judge but they don't sound like they are parent material from what you've described. Also asking your OH to donate sperm is just plain weird! Even if they can't afford IVF there's lots of ways to go about sperm donation thats above board and decent. Is there anyway you don't have to have anything to do with them?

x x x x
ive tried to avoid them but they stalk me around town end come to the pub where i live. i understand theres proper ways of doing it and there will be legal stuff to it i think but there going the wrong way about it there put on acebook there looking for sperm doners or a surrogate mother but they dont realise that if they go thru surrogacy they still have to pay the woman and by her things. yeah there deffo arent parent material there childish to much and have alot of growing upto do. and it deffo would be to weird fi oh give sperm poor amy i think shed be too confused when she gets older hes dead against that tho and refuse to do it.
Why do they need a surrogate? Much sympathy though, must be awful to have these horrors constantly in your life!
Why do they need a surrogate? Much sympathy though, must be awful to have these horrors constantly in your life!

Yeah its a bit strange they want a surrogate......also putting things like that on FB.....I'd be mortified. Its something I'm quite private about, people have a good idea how I got pregnant but I don't feel the need to announce it on FB.

Have youtold them to F off? lol

How old are they babe?

x x x x
yeah i have there 23 so a lil younger than me a dunno why they want a sorrogate oh gets embarresed with them as there status say that they love each other and that fair enuff i dont mind righting it but its the comments they both put on and stuff. the boiling thing is i know there jealous of me being pregnant but i cant understand why they message me everyday asking how i am what im upto hows the pregnancy going i know its nice but they then go to his um and say im rubbing it in there ace on purpose and got pregnant to make them jealous but im not we did plan it this time we did with amy but not that quick iykwim. they cause trouble for me but now that theyve fell out with his mum she belives me in everything i say i just cant seem to get rid of them its like they stalking me all the time . i do get to the point i do tell them to get lost grrr it so frustrating chris doesnt get on with them at all and his sister wife has a temper on her if i say dont pick amy up she storms off in a huff if im doing my shopping or nipping to the loo shell disappear off with amy and i panick she once threatened if i didnt hurry up and finish my shopping she would runn of with amy like kid nap her shes not right in the head at all. shes obsessed with babies she even went to do an apprenticship in child care but docs informed jobcentre thatshe shouldnt be around kids coz nobody know what shes capable of. sorry about the rant again i dont mind gays at all have nothing against them as i have a few in my family, but these are too worse for words
I don't understand the surrogate part either :eh: Surely neither of them knows of any reason why they couldn't carry a child so why would they need someone else?! And I do partly understand your OH's sister asking him, as she'll share DNA with him and that child would be the closest they'd get to having a child that was both of theirs. They don't sound like they're in a very good position to be bringing up a child though :(
if they have only been trying for 6 months, thats not very long really,

me n OH were trying for 15months, were both healthy, and only 23,

some people want everythin given to them on a plate, there and then, maybe if they do fall pregnant naturally they will change, but do sound a little immature to be brining a child into the world,

maybe if you try and put a little distance between you and them it will help a bit, easier said than done i know!!

good luck hun

yeah i know i just think its wrong they asked oh even if he did that would sort of be complicated for him and them as they want a baby but dont want the technically dad to have anything to do with it o it would be hard for him iykwim and that would mean amy would have a sort of half sister or bro and woulnt be very nice to explain that her daddy is actually that baby daddy isnt tht not a law on it coz there not really a gaurantee that her wife would use she could which would be wrong and coz he works technically they would ask for money off him coz there like that. for the surragate mother bit youd have to be there to understand them tbh ive tried distance my self from them but they know what days i go into kipo and know where i go and they happen to be at that place when i get there it really impossible coz they make the excuse using amy atm im stopping at the pub so they end up letting them self upstairs. to ge upstairs you have to wal thru the bar and thru a door then up. yeah there not really in the postion to have a baby money or maturity wise even there marrige isnt perfect. u deffo would even dare ask my bro to help me if i was them i think my family wouldnt talk to me. its just so wrong in so many ways and my poor friends i cant belive they even had it in them to go up and ask them i was shocked when they phoned up and said but ah well thats the way they work they do expect everything to all to them in one go.it just to weird to me . they sed apparently docs is referring them for ivf but im sure oyu have to be trying for so long i only had 30 % change in conceiving a baby as i had a still born when i was 17 and it done some damage to my tubes and stuff so docs only give me 30% i was trying for seven year with my ex hubby or four years and i did have a relation ship before other half so ive been really lucky tbh i do feel guilty whe i see all the girls in here ttcing and i annouce another pregnacy and youve all been trying for a while i do but i hope they sort them selfs out
attention seeking mostly and stuck in a dream world they don't seem to care where their child would come from all I'm guessing is if they are on dole now they are pushing for them to have a child asap as all the rules are changing and they would still have to find work they sound really lazy in my opinion x
firstly i would not allow them near my child wtf are they on??? kidnap if you dont hurry up seriously and they think that they would make good parents??? well if the dr doesnt trust her with a child she wont get far when she is gets pregnant as social services will be all over her if they bother you id inform the police its not fair to you or amy to have to go through them stalking you
yeah i knw they do know the police are in the town quite regularly they get worse they annoced on facebook they want to make 100 quid quick coz there gas has been disconnectd apparently they need the money so the can get it reconnected other wise they get thrown out. but i saw them the other day wit her wife mum and the basically sed that there doner has found a clinic in london that does free ivf , but they have to give a donation of sperm and eggs but theres a catch they have to pay 300 quid to see a consultant and get all the test done if they find out nothing wrong thne theyve lost the money if there is someithing wrong they get 10 years or more free ivf as long as they donate but they havent gott the cash plus they need more to travel down to london find some where to stay ect. oh is going mad at all this we have a family meal coming up on the 6th of dec which will be really nice but will also be ruined by them to as it will all be about amy and her cousin olivia and thwm asking about this pregnancy to the point where theyll get sick have an arguement and walk out christmas is for the kids not for 2 spoilt brats who thinks everything going to laand on there feet oh mum aint happy with them as they tried to steal amy card for the bank her great granda opened then they asked me if id lend them money im like your joking after what yous do to me i dont think so its a big no no then they phoned oh up last night saying that i was a bitch not to len them the money and he sed he agrees with me and then asked him to lend them a grand im like whoaa that like 900 more than you asked for for a start he dont earn a grand and doesnt have a grand if he did i think hed find id be using it on the flat lol and getting a new cooker there selfish inconsiderate and i think they shouldnt be together her wife has a temper prob and also is voilent and well there both to immature wont stand up for themselves and there abunch of time wasters

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