I'm paranoid?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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that's what kind of things my OH's mother has been texting me tonight. Aparently im paranoid, obsessive, an i dont give them respect? whaat i think not!
This is all because i asked where he was, an shes like" HES NOT HERE SAM ASK AGAIN AN YOU WONT SEE HIM AGAIN":
It's really pissed me right off too. Because he buggers off all the time an i dont know where he is cant phone him (his phones here) an i get the idea that his friends are lieing to me because i moaned at them, too right i moaned at them, because other night OH told me his teacher ages ago wants him to go to her flat an his mates were tellin him to "do her" so what was i expected to say to his friends. An im getting really impatient with his mum, she thinks she is the boss of everyone, I cudnt get anywhere to stay the other night, because my parents were away an i cudnt find my key an his mum said i had to go to a hostel. an i was like :O cheeky B*tch!!! its made me so angry at the fact she thinks i give him no respect when i bloody well do :evil:
She makes me so bloody mad!
she literally does think the sun shines out of her big a**
I'm sorry this is a really bad rant,
atm theres no one home an ive got no one to let it out too, if i keep it in il just get more angry.
shes like "dont have an attitude like that with me young madam" what does she expect me to do when she accidently on purpose forgot to tell my OH i was at the hospital grrrrrrrr.
OMG - you rant away. Sounds like you got a right one there. Has she always been like this??
well that was like reading something i had said myself about shane!

it sounds very similair to how shane and his mum are.. they're very close and his mum has given me the idea that i used her son so i could get pregnant and take him for all the money i can get.
its like she's p!ssed off because you've taken her son away from her and giving him a life of his own .
is she the jealous type?
is he an only child? or her only son?
nex time she says to you, "ask again n you wont see him again", id say fine! its his loss if anything was to happen

your asking where he is because you care for him... he should care enough to let you know where he is etc

can u check his phone? is there anything in therE?
as for his mates... there gonna stick up for him aren't they?

if you act like ur kinda not bothered, then he might change and think, shit, why isnt she wondering where i am etc, and he'll start to make more of an effort..

and as for his mum... well, MIL's :evil: :x :x :x :x :x :x
Yeah shes always been like it, she hates the fact that hes with me because shes single an likes everyone to do things for her, her house is disgusting aswell, i wont go there an OH knows that, i was there other day picking up some of my stuff i left there an the dog (quite long haired dog) had like squashed pancaked big circle of poop stuck to his bottom, an its revolting, he poos everywhere, theres like rubbed dry poo near the front door, pee thats been near where letters drop threw letter box an letters just go in it, the house is manky it stinks an she has cheek to complain about me once when i was there i left a cup of tea in the living room, she practicly let her guniepig starve an die because she wanted cigs, the rabbit isnt even in its hutch its just left in the back garden, the kittens run riot an one was eatin moldy tuna out of its dish. god she makes me so angry at times an grr just cant explain, jeez
no he isnt only child hun he has a younger sister whos 5, his dad is quite a ******* too but aint half as bad as his mum.
last weekend didnt see OH from friday til wednesday an his mum always says" if u want him ring him on my phone" cuz his phone is either off or here, so i do then she doesnt answer an sends me messages complainin that its too late an to ring before 9, an i do an she ignores the phone. shes bloody confusing. an i didnt reply to her last text before she said "can u ring me pls" an she just sent another same one, an im not ringing her to get an ear ful down the phone because what temper im in now i know i cud say a hell of a lot worse than she could arghh.
i dont want to sound nasty here... but personally i dont think its the MILs fault in this case, ur bf is obviously going to her and telling her his problems, he leaves his phone at home? is that on purpous so you cant contact him? if i were you id have a sturn word with him, if my husband went out for hours, his friends said he was going to 'do' someone then i can assure you that we wouldnt be together... a good relationship is always equal, there should be mutual respect, perhaps you are a little paranoid, but hey. your pregnant.. whats new?? we all are lol..

communication is always the key, perhaps his mother needs a little more persuasion to like you, perhaps you could write her a letter and just say obviously along the way there has been a communication break down, i would like us to get on for ur bfs sake, the babys and also both of you. perhaps she thinks/knows you dont like her, so suggest that she thinks you dont like her and tell her that is not the case. i know that she is older here but you both need to grow up a little? and maybe it will prove you have the respect which i think you probably do, and that you are more mature here by taking the 1st step.

its a pain in the a*se, i know you may not like her but it will help your relationship with ur bf if you could get along.

good luck
I'm even more anoyed now ffs. I didnt know where LO was last night, neither did his mum/dad or friends, An i asked everyone i knew an they hadnt seen him, only person i didnt get a answer from was his friend tom an sarahs house, So ive woken up with a text off his dad asking if i found him yet so im like no. an his mum has just sent me a message saying "sam im fumin wiv u, u ad us all worried, and u knew he was at sarahs coz i just spoke to her mum and you rung" an im lke no i bloody well didnt. I'm being accused of makin them worry and knowing where he was, she deliberatly tries to put me down and make me feel like its my fault when its not :evil: So now shes probably going to tell all his family that i knew where he was makin me out to be a bad person as usual. Grrr i hate that woman.
OH knows im angry at him, im fumin :evil: with both him and his mum. because i dont see why im the bad person for trying to find my OH an then her saying i knew where he was to shit stir,, (sorry)
I just can't get over her though! An to make things worse i was moving OH's jacket just now an box of condoms fell out, 2 are opend an i dont even wana see if there used or not. Grrr i just dont know what to do, But i know now OH will stay away and not contacting me for days an his mother will be all happy cuz she has him where she wants him. Grr im so angry at both of them, What a great saturday im having >.<
are you crazy! look at what you just wrote.. who cares if he contacts you again! your mad if you stay with him.. clearly hes cheating on you? 2 condoms are open? in his coat pocket!! they obviously arnt used by the 2 of you together. he could pass anything on to you or your baby..he obviously is looking for an excuse to get out of this relationship, get a back bone girl.. and finish with him, yes it will be hard, but if you stand up for yourself and show him u have self respect he might come back and see what hes lost and has done!.

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