I'm out...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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...Woke up this morning and she had arrived...no 30th birthday baby for me then... :cry:It has hit me hard this month, feel really down...
really sorry she got you hun, you will have your BFP babe. sending you loads of babydust for next month xxxx
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Aw hun so sorry she got you! Big hugs! Lots of baby dust for next month.
Aww JJ.Gutted for you.My AF still not shown up but just know I'm not preggers.Feel very emotional as next month out as OH goes to world cu.Feel like giving up but no I will change my mind come the month after!
Sorry she got you **baby dust** for this cycle hunni x x x
Sorry she got you hun x

Heres some baby busy for your next cycle x

Awww JJ Im gutted for you!I really hope next month is your month for your BFP xxx
Thanks Ladies...dont know why but this month it has really got to me...been in tears most of the day, me and OH had the hugest of huge rows to the point I thought we were gonna split...I told him I hate him, he said I'm making this all about me, we both said neither of us want to bring a child into our relationship etc...luckily we calmed down, had a good talk and realised we BOTH need to make some changes to get the right result this cycle...what a day! Never thought I'd say this but roll on Monday morning!!
Aww Jar Jar!

Good for you and your OH talking it all through!

Lots of luck & babydust for you this month! :)

You must be so gutted, so sorry for you hun, every month I get my hopes up and then they come crashing down with avengence. At least you managed to have a good chat with your hubby. Big hugs, xx
SS Jj, thinkin of u hun, xxx try stay strong xxx
Sorry to hear you've not had a good day JJ. Sending you a load of :dust: for next month! Xx
Sorry she got you, fingers crossed for next month xxx
I just want to get today over with and start afresh tomorrow...thanks for your lovely words ladies, the support on here means so much and is such a help.
I am so sorry she got you JarJar, sounds like it has proved positive in the end with that mamouth honesty session with your OH, and that should bring about a whole change in the way you both approach this, so please see this as a positive step this month - it will happen for you Jar Jar X :lol:
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Thanks hun...Yeah, I am trying to look at it like that, we haven't rowed like that for years, think we both hurt our throats with how much we were shouting, God knows what the neighbours thought! But I really think we did need it and this morning I do feel more positive about the whole thing and we're getting on really well.
I just need loads of baby dust this month and hopefully get my bubba!

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