I'm off work - yet again!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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As you probably know with all my recent moaning, I've been suffering with my back for a few weeks. Last week I called the doctors to book an appointment. My appointment was yesterday at 3.45, and the idea was to ask if he could refer me for some physio or something. I'm glad I booked the appointment as I ended up coming home from work at lunch as I was in tears with the pain.

Well, my usual doctor is on hols so I had another from the practice. He got me to strip to the waist and did some bending so he could see how my spine moved. I was in agony and he just kept pushing me to do more. At one point he told me to touch my toes!!!! My response was to turn round, look him in the eye and say 'Are you taking the p*** or what, this isn't a squashy pillow I've shoved down here you know' :shock: Well, he then asked me what pain killers I was taking, so I reminded him that I was pregnant and could only take paracetamol and they don't touch the pain. He then asked me when my next ante-natel appointment was at the hospital? :shock: I told him I had never had ante-natel there and didn't have any appointments, and that I see the midwife at his surgery and my next appointment wasn't until the end of the month. :? By this time, I'm beginning to wonder if this guy knows a thing! :think: Anyway, the end of it is, he's not going to refer me for physio, because there is at least a 6 month waiting list :shock: , he has told me to take the rest of the week off work and rest, and to go back for a sicknote next week if I don't feel up to going back. Great help, not. :shakehead:

He ended the conversation by saying that this is just a phase, and will probably get better with rest. Yep, it's nothing to do with the fact that I am carrying a cannonball down the front of my trousers, which is only going to get bigger and heavier over the next 3 months. How the hell is that going to make my back better??!!!! How these people get medical degrees is beyond me. :roll:
thats awfull hun :shock:

when i went to the MW whith so much pain she rang the physio when i was in and i got a call back the next day (thursday) to go in on the friday at 11 for a class ok it wasnt any help to me at all because the belt was far to big for my bump and she handed me a piece of tubagrip (the bandage stuff for your arm or leg for support) it helped a little but was very tight so i just sufferd the pain till the end although having an ice pack helped wonders at night as the baby didnt like the cold it would move to a diff position so iteased it a little.

Hope you get something sotred very soon as i know how painfull it really is.

atthat class they tell you to lay flat on your back and get your partner to measure in cm how far you can open your legs withought ithurting :? its something to do with when u go into labour so your legs dont go further than that position as it can cause serious damage to your pelvis.

maybe ive read your post wrong but it is pelvic preasure isnt it?
weestar21 said:
maybe ive read your post wrong but it is pelvic preasure isnt it?

Thanks Weestar, but it's not pelvic pressure. It's severe stabbing pains in the middle right hand side on my back. It's like someone is literally twisting a knife next to my spine betwen my ribs. It gets worse when sitting, standing or walking. The only time it is bearable is when I lay on my side in the foetal position. It's actually killing me sitting here writing this, so I'm signing off for a bit now. :( Off to watch the footie again! :lol:

If it gets no better by Thursday, I'm going to try and book an earlier appointment with the midwife and see if she can do anything like yours did. Although I'm not very hopeful as she's about as much use a chocolate teapot! Must be something with my surgery.
tankett thats awful.. how the fook did he become a GP? I'd of stuck my foot up his jacksie if he'd of asked me to bend and touch my toes.. couldn't do it before i was pregnant.. theres no way i could do it now! Have you tried a back support belt? how about a tens machine? although they say using one too early can start labour off... sounds like a trapped nerv of something... have you looked into going private and paying for someone to try and manipulate your back a little... i know you shouldn't have to... being pregnant you'd expect your GP and MW to be offering as much help as possible... also being pulled and stretched mightn't be too comfortable at this stage of pregnancy...

when i hurt my back in a small car accident i was treated with ultra sound and heat... seemed to do the trick for me...

Hope it eases up with a bit of rest..
Oh Tankett hun what a bloody useless bloke he was!!!

Sorry you are still in so much pain.. take it easy at home and enjoy the footie!!!!!! Defo keep trying with the midwife. And what do you mean you don't go to the Antenatal clinic at hospital?????? Do you not have any appointments there? Any growth scans or check ups scheduled there?? I thought everyone did.. :roll: :roll:

take care x

oh and sorry I forgot to say welcome to third Tri!!!! been away since Thursday so bit out of touch with all the posts x
no i'm the same as tankett - must be certain areas where they offer you growth scans and hospital check ups.. i had my 12 weeks booking in scan and my 20 weeks scan at the hospital and that is it... sort of left to fend for yourself after that... I have anti natal appointments booked my GPs office every 4 weeks.. but as i'm getting closer to my date i now have them every 2 weeks now... i think once i'm 37 i'll have one a week... all they do is check my blood pressure, measure my bump, listen to the heart and check my urine!

i need to book my hospital tour too... silly that you can only call them on sat or sun betwen 12 and 1.... if you call to book a visit any other time they wont even let you finish talking... so rude!

No Anna Marie, I'm the same as Hayley - just the 12 and 20 week scans at the hospital. :? In fact, I had an early scan (9 +6) to rule out twins, but then wasn't offered another at 12 weeks like in some areas. It really is a postcode lottery.

When I see my midwife, she tells me to book my next appointment for 6 weeks, but I think that is way too long, so I book it for 4 weeks with the receptionist. She's not said anything yet!! I'm assuming they'll get more frequent, but not sure. :? All she does is take my BP, check urine, and the last 2 appointments she has listened to the heartbeat. She hasn't even measured my bump, or checked my own weight yet. Should she be?? :shock: :? As for the hospital visit, mines the same Hayley. You've probably seen my post about the snotty woman at the hospital when I called about parentcraft classes. I think she went to the same school of customer service as the GP!!!! :shock:
Hi Tankett, I got weighed at my first appointment but that was it. I don't think they tend to weigh a lot of people anymore as apparently it has little relevance to the baby. As for the measurements - I've been measured at every appointment with the midwife and hospital. I asked my midwife today why they do it and she said that if the bump measurements are a lot more than the amount of weeks you are, you could be carrying too much water or it could be a sign of diabetes so they would take a blood sugar test to rule it out then.

As for the doctor - what the hell?? :wall: They are mostly absolutely useless, especially when dealing with pregnant women. Have you thought about trying a chiropractor or someone like that, maybe they'd be more use to you.

Two words for you -


I bet if it were a female doctor she'd understand. I dont know about your area's health system but in Aberdeen we have a dedicated physio for pregnancy - kick some butt to see them.

Hope you get somewhere soon!

S. xx
My docs are the same. Always saying its nothing. If it was nothing y would we go to the docs in the first place.

Totally understand where you are coming from and unfortunately docs never seem to get any better. Well at least you got time off to rest. x x Take it easy x
Tankett, what a knob - if I can say that :oops: ! I'd definately get a second opinion- i.e see MV or another doctor. I went for my ante natal check up yesterday and because I had previously complained about lower abdominal pains when walking (which I thought were braxton hicks but my doctor disagreed) and now my back has really been giving my lots of problems when sitting or lying for even short periods of time she immediately wrote a note for the physio department at my hospital who have called me today and I'm booked to see them on the 26th - okay so it's not next week but it certainly ain't a 6mths wait either as they made me a priority (not often that happens!). Don't sit there in pain hun pick up that phone and have someone see you.
Thanks girls. The backs not much better today. :( It's fine when I'm laying down, but if I stand or sit for any length of time, it's agony. It's hurting now sitting here.

I've just called the surgery to book an appointment with my own doctor, but the earliest they can fit me in is the 27th!! :shock: Her only advise was to call 8am tomorrow morning and see if I can get in to see her as an emergency tomorrow. Think is, I don't class this as an emergency, but there is no way I'll be able to go back work on Monday if nothing gets done. Oh, I don't know what to do now..... :?

Oh, and Daggers - yes you can say that!!!! :lol:
Tankett, you may not class it as an emergency but it is, your pregnant, off work and in PAIN. I'd be on that phone tomorrow morning and trust me you'll feel a whole lot better if your booked in to see a physio.
p.s. if you see your doc tomorrow put on the water works!!! I'm sure he/she won't question you any further :wink:
Thanks hun, I will do. I think I forget sometimes that this is affecting me loads, and I need someone to prod me and tell me that I can ask for help. :roll:
Yay!!! I've got an appointment with my doctor at 10.15 this morning!!!! She's my age and has 3 little ones, so is really sympathetic, and hopefully will be able to offer me something!!! :dance:
good luck with her Tankett.. make sure you tell her how upset you were after seeing the other fu**wit!!
Hi hun hope all went well with the nice doc :) its better when you get someone who understands and has had kids themselves
I cried as soon as I saw her! :oops:

She couldn't get anything out of me for a couple of minutes!! Nothing that made sense anyway!! :roll: As it was an emergency appointment, I was the last one, and she was running behind, so I had to sit for half an hour in the surgery. By the time I got in there, I was in soooo much pain. I told her what the other doctor had said, and she was shocked! We have a dedicated maternity physio at the hospital I am booked in at, and she said they can usually get an appointment in less than 2 weeks. She said that they would probably give me a back brace, and book me in for physio appointments for the remainder of my pregnancy. She's going to sort it for me later today. :dance: And, she's signed me off work for the next 2 weeks!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

So I'll be 30 weeks when I go back, I've already told them I'm leaving at 35 weeks, and I have 13.5 days holiday to take as well. Maybe I'll bring my leaving date forward and just not bother going back!!! :lol:

Off to lay down now because I'm in pain, but I do feel much better.

Thanks for all your support and words of encouragment (yet again!!)
Awesome news, glad it's all worked out! :dance: Not fair re taking early leave I'd love to be parked at home, eventhough I'd be a bit concerned as I know the one good thing about going into work is that I'm being mobile which if I'm at home I'd probably just lay in bed / sofa making my back even worse.
Nice one, take care of yourself and enjoy the good weather 8)

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