Im new help!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
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hi everyone i dont really know what to put but here goes..

I know im young and i think i like to think of my self as healthy? but i just cant get pregnant :(

Last year i spent 10 months trying to conceive, having a blood test to say my hormone levels were normal booking my partner in for a sperm test and thinking we would never get pregnant! Until by some miracle in February i did! i cant tell you how happy i was! We were picking names and making plans when all of a sudden i went into having a miscarriage. Worst day of my life. I knew i wanted to try again as soon as possible. Its been 6 months now and still nothing.

so many of my friends are pregnant or having babies and people who really dont care about having one are getting pregnant so easily!

Im trying everything there is and have done so much research! i count my ovulating days i even have an app on my phone telling me when im ovulating, aswell as doing home tests. I make sure we have sex at the right times and the right positions i also make sure we enjoy it lol, im taking folic acid and multi vitamins , eating healthy, dont smoke or drink and am on decaffeinated coffee.

Im getting so angry and depressed with it i just want to have that feeling of happiness back again!

sorry for rambling but no one i know truly understands so its nice to get it out, thank you xx
hiya hun, ur in the same boat as me and my hubby. ur not on ur own at all. i kno how u feel. we've been tryin for 3 years and had a misscarriage in march nothing as happen since for us either. try not to think about it too much, mayb try the relaxed approach. maybe its easier said than donne tho xx
thank you, and im so sorry for your loss! :( .. i hope it happens soon for you. everyone keeps saying to me i should relax and wait for it to happen, but i feel like im slightly getting obsessed and crazy about getting pregnant now i think about it 24/7 and never stop . i dont know how.
i was like that, then we booked are wedding. got married in october so kno that took my mind off it. but now i want are own family more than ever but it will happen when it happens. perhaps book a holiday? then u'v got something to look forward to xx
a holiday would be lovely ill nag the bf lol :) i found that when i wasnt thinking about it was when i conceived last time, as we had just moved and i had just started a new job, plus i had come to the conclusion i couldnt get was a major surprise! now that i know i can get pregant and the fact 3 of my best friends are pregnant or just had babies, i cant seem to distant myself from baby related thoughts or conversations i heard meditation can really work about 20mins a day so maybe thats worth a try.
ye i kno wat u mean, seems like every1 i kno seems to get pregnant by the drop of a hat. some people just dont relise how lucky they are either. it will happen again, if its happen once its jus got to. thats what i keep telling my self anyways. ye bet thats why u got caught u wasnt thinking about it, u had other stuff goin on xx
fingers crossed it will happen again for both of us ill keep you informed lol xx

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