I'm missing....

i was the same Tara, as soon as i found out i was pregnant i tried to avoid sleeping on my tummy, i would usually wake up laid on my tummy, i think instincts have kicked in now though as i havent even attempted to lie on my tummy when i'm asleep where as i did early on in the pregnancy! it is deffo the best sleeping position by far :) x
I end up in a kind of first aid recovery position when sleeping to try and protect roo as much as I can, but even that is getting uncomfy! xx
Me too :( I miss being sprawled out like a star fish
haha Kanga that sounds exactly how i try and lay...couldnt have put it better my self! But like u said its gettin uncomfy that way too :( may actually get a decent nights kip in 2014 haha!! x
well i tried the pillow under my bump last night, seemed to work fine until about 3am, just been tossing and turning since then :( grr!! Just gotta think...its all gonna be worth it for mini princess and it wont last forever :) hope everyone else slept well xx
I had an awful night sleep too, loads of tossing and turning trying to get comfy. Then had my alarm at 5am, boo :( hoping to get a nice nap later :) xx
how poo is it haha! hope u manage to get a nap later, no matter how tired i am i can never seem to nap during the day :( i seem to go a week of having restless nights and then get one night where i am that cream crackered i just sleep through only gettin up a couple of times to pee compared to my usual 4 or 5 times lol! x
I didn't have too bad a nights sleep last night. DH on night shift this week so I get whole bed and can move around as and when I want without worrying about disturbing him. Got on side hugging pillow and with wedge between my legs. Only woke once at 2am when the dog decided she would be more comfortable in her own bed rather than mine lol Then when DH came home I slept for another hour all snuggled into him :-)
wow sounds like you had an awesome sleep hun :) lucky you hehe!! i also had the bed to myself last night but it didnt do me any justice lol! x
Knew it was too good to be true. After OK sleep on Monday night I spent last night tossing and turning and when was finally getting decent sleep my alarm goes off :-(
Oh never :( if its any consolation i had a restless night again with my hips and back aching, i swear i feel like a granny lately :shock: and then there was the small matter of needing the loo 5 times and i mean waking up and absolutely busting to go...oh the joys of pregnancy hehe!! xx
i managed to put a pillow behond my back and so far so good, time wil tell as the day goes on x
pillows just didnt work for me :( although this morning when it was nearly time to get up i did notice if i laid flat without resting my head on any pillows that my hips didnt ache...but no way can i sleep without a pillow for my head lol xx
Grr...i actually got extremely comfy last night and was sleeping really well until i went for a pee and had the worst belly ache ever...never ever eating spicy food while pregnant again, it does this to me all the time, as soon as the bowels move it god damn hurts and then i was paranoid thinking it might do something to the baby (stupid i know) shes ok though, been wriggling around and still is! Just cant believe it though, bet if it werent for that spicy pizza i would have had the best nights sleep ever :( typical!!

Hope everyone else slept well :) xx
I miss it too but I got a maternity pillow from mothercare and have to say its the only way I can get a decent sleep x

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