I'm in such a bad mood today!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Don't know exactly why....................although not having a full nights sleep for the past two months is probably helping.............but I'm in such a bad mood today

I see DH for an hour in the morning before he goes to work and he's been in the house for 5 minutes before he's taken the dog out and I've managed to have a go at him 4 times already :oops: :oops: I don't just mean snapping at him... I've practically screamed at him! and over really stupid things like him asking where the torch was and do we need any milk in.

I hope his baby come out soon for his sake....poor fella!! :oops:
lol bless him i know my hubby feels hard done by at the mo but he soon forgets when he reads to bump and feels his son kick :D
Aw hun :hug: I feel the same, woke up with a rotten head cold today and it's just put me in a foul mood! Snapping at OH at every opportunity :oops: He's being so lovely too and making me hot honey and lemon every hour or so but I'm just a grump!!

S xxx
awwww :hug: i had a few days like that the other day :oops: bloomin hormones eh :roll: :lol: xxxxx
If it helps, I feel the same today, though not towards my bloke, only my boss. I don't scream though but just grumble to myself, which probably is not the healthiest thing to do. And I've still got 12 weeks to go.

Anyway, I'm feeling sorry for myself and have absolute sympathy for you
Oh Im the same! And I have weeks! Im in so much pain most of the time I just cant even speak to anyone I just shout at them lmao!

"I just wish for 1 minute you could feel what Im feeling and then you can understand why Im so upset!!!!!"

"But Leanne, I just asked if you wanted a cuppa tea??"
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thats me lol!

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