Hi everyone. I stayed at home til 3pm yesterday as didnt want to make a journey to be sent home if i wasnt far enough on, When i arrived i was 5 cm dilated and had been in labour for over 12 hours in the house having contractions every 5 mins, they got stronger but not closer together. They waited 3 hours and i was still 5 cm so they broke my waters at 6pm and the contractions got stronger and closer and by 7pm i was ready for pushing, Sarah Nicole was born at 19.19pm and weighed 7lb 3 oz and is absolutly fine, i didnt tear or need stitches and feel brilliant considering. Im really tired cos was on a ward with 3 other woman whos babies were up the whole night screaming whereas Sarah slept and only made a few small noises when she woke for a feed! I got home at 2pm today and everthing is great, just need a sleep!
Thanks for all the kind messages x