I'm in Labour!! **Baby is here Pg 12**

ooooh this is hillarious - OH keeps bloody making me laugh when I have a contraction...looool I literally cant laugh & its even funnier! lool

Well, over the last 2 hours the length between contractions in minutes has been - 11-16-25-14-20-12-10

So as you can see - still no sort of pattern, but at least they're no more than 1/2 an hour between

I hope she starts to make more of an appearance soon! good luck :D xxxxx
What a shame your contractions still so irregular, I've been checking my phone all morning expecting some good news! Sounds like your coping well though, just hope things progress a bit quicker for you now and baby arrives soon xx
At least the contractions haven't died down :hug: it's possible to have irregular contractions the whole time.. Hopefully by the time u go to hosp you'll be nearly ready to push!
Sounds like ur doing really well babe :cheer: well done getting some sleep :)

Come on baby mummy's had enough!!
I hope things progress really soon for you hun. Stubborn baby like mine hehe xxxxxxx
Got some more sleep this afternoon & same as last night - when I lie down contractions go to every 40 mins & I have no idea why, so I got some more sleep this afternoon. & I'm back sitting straight timing contractions again. I dont know if i'm maybe sleeping thro the contractions :roll: it seems unlikely though coz each one is just as sore as the previous....who knows.

OH is now away to bed for a couple of hours, & i've realised I'll need to get over to the shop & get something to eat & cat food, would wait for him 2 get up but shop is closing soon. I'm sure I can manage it though, maybe some chocolate will cheer me up.

ooooohh hopefully not long for you now till LO makes an appearence?? fingers crossed for you xx
Good luck hun. Hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too much longer xxx

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Hopefully not much longer until LO is here, If your a deep sleeper maybe you are having some during sleeping. I wouldn't know though. Hope LO makes an apperance soon :) X
Ah hun, I was hoping to log on and see your announcement :hug: Hope you're ok. Fx things progress for you soon. Enjoy your choc :) x
9 and a half hours i was in labour with my 1st from being 0 dilated to giving birth, & I was induced too. How the hell can I go 31 hours with this one & only be at this stage (fair enough I dont know how dilated I am, but waters still not gone or anything) my mum says its possibly coz my waters were broken for me with first, who knows.

I could possibly be in such a deep sleep that i'm sleeping through them. Last hour i've been between 9-12 mins apart. So not all that bad.

I bet baby is a girl, they are so stubborn when they are babies x at least your getting some rest and they are not stopping x my waters didn't go until I was having the urge to push with my first, and then they only went while the midwife was gone to get the stuff to break them! Didn't even have a show so don't worry to much about that bit x
It's quite normal for the waters to break only minutes or seconds before the baby is born, and some babies are even born inside their bag of waters, so I wouldn't be disheartened by the fact that your waters haven't gone yet, it doesn't mean anything. At the same time, I also know that with your second (etc.) baby it's quite normal to be a few centimetres dilated before you even go into labour, so whilst I don't want to discourage you, it does sound like you are in early labour with your contractions still being quite irregular. If I were you I would try to get as much rest as possible during this stage, because once your contractions do become regular and closer together, you'll need all the energy you can get! Good luck!!

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