I'm home


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Thanks for all the hugs ladies :hug:

I was allowed home last night I spent the whole time in hospital laying down and it worked cos eventually my BP went down a bit and enough for me to come home. Unfortunately when they tested my wee both Glucose and Ketones showed up with 3+'s so I have to have a glucose tolerance test weds to check for gestational diabetes. (never rains eh?). I have to go have my BP checked today and depending how it is might have it checked over the weekend or it might be ok until my regular mw appt Tues. Going to ring up work and let them know I am not going back nest week not looking forward to it :(
Hey Mik :wave:

Good to see you back, glad your BP eventually went down & they didn't make you stay in for longer! Fingers crossed it will be OK when they check it today, just try and rest and stay calm if you can.. easier said than done I know! Awww I'm sorry to hear about the results of your urine test, we'll all be thinking of you wednesday & :pray: you don't have gestational diabetes.

Don't fret about phoning your work, I'm sure they will understand as high BP can be quite serious & I'm sure they would rather you were trying to relax at home and keep it down. Hope you feel better soon hun :hug:
Hi Mik, glad your back and your BP has gone down, hope it continues to stay down. Hope your tests go well and that your work is understanding. :hug: :hug: :hug: Put your feet up and take it easy xx
Mik sent me another text today saying she's got to go back into hozzie again as her BP has gone up again since yesterday and maybe put on medication :wall:

Sending you some :hug: Mik, you must be getting frustrated now, hope they sort you out!
KirstyD said:
Mik sent me another text today saying she's got to go back into hozzie again as her BP has gone up again since yesterday and maybe put on medication :wall:

Sending you some :hug: Mik, you must be getting frustrated now, hope they sort you out!
Oh no, how frustrating. :hug: :hug:
aww bless her shes not having a good time at the mo, sending her some :hug: :hug:
Oh bummer. Hope they can sort her out soon.

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