gestational diabetes

Mrs DPJ Heath

Jun 7, 2011
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Hello everyone! I am 25 weeks with my first baby and had my 25 week midwife appt yesterday which didn't go quite to plan! glucose+++ and ketones++ showed up in my routine urine check! She has referred me to the diabetic unit to have the glucose test! have googled this prob the worst thing to do as now i am in a complete state! and worrying about baby and having this condition long term!! has anyone else had this? am feeling scared and very anxious!
I've not had anything show up but because my first son was a bouncer (just under 9lb) they've referred me for glucose tolerance testing as, apparently, bigger babies can sometimes indicate that you may be prone to gestational diabetes. Am having the tests in December.
I'm no expert, but if you do have GD then at least they've recognised it and can give you the best possible advice to help both you and baby.
Thankyou RachelJ for your message, you are right at least I can get my blood sugars under control and make sure baby is safe.
Hey I have GD :) im one of the unlucky ones to be put straight on insulin...have been for 8 weeks now. Its ok, I just have to watch what I eat. Most GD can be controlled with diet changes. They also said my levels were highly suspicious that I had a pre existing type 2 :(

However, with regards to baby...if you can get your sugar levels under control there shouldnt be any major problems. The baby MAY find it difficult to regulate its own sugars when born but will only need a drip for a day to sort it out. The other concern they have is that their tummys grow larger, but you will be offered extra scans etc if you are diagnosed and they will keep a close eye on you!

Also, Im being induced at 38 weeks as they rarely let you go full term...

Any other question PM me if you like xx
Don't worry too much, I think worrying only makes you worse. At least they have found out for you so now you are able to look after yourself a bit better.
My friend got GD, and shes been fine, just had some extra midwife appointments and scans, and shes had to watch what she eats and take her sugars 4 times a day.
They will monitor you more now. x
Thankyou for both your replys girls! Jaxx01 -ah bless you hun! its difficult enough being pregnant and all that goes with it then to have a complication! it can make you feel quite lonely and isolated actually, thats how I have been feeling. Please keep me up to date with how you get on. I have my test soon so will let you know the outcome! hopefully once your baby is born you will be able to control your blood sugars with diet or tablets?
I should be able to control it with diet it wont be sooo bad but at the moment yeah, it's been a tough slog but I know Ive done everything I can to help my baby get the best possible start :) would also help if the dad hadnt done a runner when I was 6 wks :( so Ive been through all this and being a single mum to my 3 year old all on my own :( xx
I have this too x

If you have any questions send us a PM. I am currently on metforim tablets and I will end up insulin very soon I'm guessing as sugars are not very controlable with me :(.

Also hun you will have extra growth scans so you can see your baby more, I found this great :) They will monitor you and baby after birth and won't let you go home until they have seen your sugar levels are back to normal or controlled. I was in for a week but I had section and infection. I was induced early at 38 weeks as the risks of carrying full term were bad for me but different places do different things.
Yeah Im being induced too :) at 38+3 which is when they could fit me in :) gosh I hope I dont end up with a csection :( they have said they want as natural as possible x
I had section but I found my induction to be the worse thing ever. I think this time I will ask for a section out right just my personal choice after getting off to a bad start with my son. I had alot of pain meds and he wasn't very alert and then went jaundice and I got distrawed with it all as he wouldn't breast feed x

I hope it all goes well for you x
Jaxx01- oh hun sorry to hear you have had such a tough time recently not helped by GD. Hope you have got a good support network around you, as its important you don't feel your going it alone!. Thankyou misscrazycooki for your reply lovely to know theres support here when needed :).

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