I'm Home


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Im home and not doing too badly, thanks for all your well wishes :)

it is pre-eclamsia though.. they kept me in over night to monitor me and im now on blood pressure pills to help lower it.

i've now got to have a midwife come to see me twice a week to check what it is.. at one point it got as high as 157/90!!

I've got to see a consultant on thursday now to see how im doing and make sure the pills are working.. if not their going to think about inducing me if they arent working well enough!

I had a growth scan yesterday to see how he's doing and atm hes about 5 IB 14 so he sounds big enough if i do have to have him early..

Im sooo happy to be home now tho, i was so unpropared just yet.. i hadn't even finished my hospital bag yet... though i have it ready now just incase.

my BP today was 130/90 when the midwife came today so still quite high.. but i wont be re- admitted again unless it goes over 140/90...

okay im rambling now so im gonna stop now lol
take care. not long till buba comes now. :hug:
budge said:
take care. not long till buba comes now. :hug:

thanks budge :) :hug: i know its kinda scary, i did freak out a bit when they said they might have to induce me. i just thought i was gonna be send straight home after they monitored me for a bit lol. glad their holding off for a while
clairem1984 said:
budge said:
take care. not long till buba comes now. :hug:

thanks budge :) :hug: i know its kinda scary, i did freak out a bit when they said they might have to induce me. i just thought i was gonna be send straight home after they monitored me for a bit lol. glad their holding off for a while

aww ive never been through it but i can imagine how scary it must be. But babys 36 weeks gestation now and if you did have him early he'd more than likely be quite well and able to breath properly :hug:
don't you worry anyway just relax :hug:
thats what i had :)

whats the protien like in ur wee

i do hope everythings ok for u hun xxx
Glad they've let you home......hope he hangs in there for a wee while longer :hug: :hug: :hug:
glad your home ...get yourself plenty rest
I hope you remain stable! I'll be watching you closely as my blood pressure is doing odd stuff too and I'm only 25 weeks! I can't take any medication though as the upper number is low but the bottom number too high!

If you come across any good ways to relax and lower it will you share?
Glad your back Claire! You take it easy bird :hug:
hev&madi said:
thats what i had :)

whats the protien like in ur wee

i do hope everythings ok for u hun xxx

it was +3 when i was admitted, but i think its gone down a bit now

what happened for them to make you have madi early? how bad was ur blood pressure then ? xx
Ali K said:
I hope you remain stable! I'll be watching you closely as my blood pressure is doing odd stuff too and I'm only 25 weeks! I can't take any medication though as the upper number is low but the bottom number too high!

If you come across any good ways to relax and lower it will you share?
if i find anything ill let you know, but i think now that i know about it im finding it even harder to relax lol.

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