well those pains i was having saturday morning were contractions apparently! OH went to the gym cause i said i would be fine, he came home and half hour later i wanted to go to the hospital but really thought i was going to be sent home. a few hours later after they sent me for a walk to help they examined me and i was 5cm dilated. they sent me on a walk again and when the pain got too bad come back to the delivery room. when they examined me again i was 8cm and it was half hour later i wanted pain relief so i had meptid and gas and air then an hour later she was born, i needed 2hrs stitching and she wont latch so i am combining expressed and formula. she feeds every 4hrs or so and WILL NOT sleep at night! but its fine, cause shes gorgeous!
it was 12 hours from first contraction to the last with the labour on my notes saying 2hr 11min.
its strange being home and its a massive learning curve but we are getting there
anyway here are some pics:
(excuse the state of me, i just pushed a person out!)
being weighed
and dressed
with daddy
random ones
after her first bath at home
looking cute
daddy feeding
ETA she weighed 7lb4oz and was one day early!
it was 12 hours from first contraction to the last with the labour on my notes saying 2hr 11min.
its strange being home and its a massive learning curve but we are getting there
anyway here are some pics:
(excuse the state of me, i just pushed a person out!)
being weighed
and dressed
with daddy
random ones
after her first bath at home
looking cute
daddy feeding
ETA she weighed 7lb4oz and was one day early!